sidetracked in our live purpose.
Mostly we didn't know that we had
a purpose to begin with.
I am sure many believe that we are
here and don't even know there is
a purpose even if we believe in God.
We may think we live our lives for
a number of years then die. We may
go to heaven. Purpose isn't in our
minds at all. We may do good things
since we are good people. Possible
bad people do good things once in
a while too.
Those who do realize that they have
a purpose while living might be
distracted by the world in doing the
right thing or lack of belief or faith.
Right before I started writing this it
came to my mind in the old testament
there was a man named Job. The book
about him is right before Psalms. There
is though he lived right after Genesis.
In any case he was maybe the richest
man of his day.
Satan came to God to speak about his
servant Job. Satan said to God he believes
in you because he is rich and has a big
family. He wouldn't believe if he didn't
have anything or a lot less anyway. God
believed something in Job that he told
Satan you can do anything to Job except
kill him. God didn't say about his family.
Satan had Job became very ill along with
loosing everything including his children.
Job even lost his reputation since his
friends and many that knew him that he
must have sinned against God. Even his
wife wanted him to curse God and die.
In the end Job had his reputation restored
since he didn't curse God. His friends were
told by God that they sinned against Job.
The man Job was still honored by God for
his faith. Don't know much else about
Job though God gave him double what he
had before Satan came to him. He had more
children as well and lived a long life. I am
not sure what the total of Job's purpose
however he showed what it means to believe
no matter what the cost is.
This is the only story I know of in the Bible
of it's type though I believe it symbols the
life of Jesus Christ a few thousands years
before him. I believe it shows what we can
do no matter what obstacles that can get
in our way and how we can overcome as well.