person with gifts and talents.
They are made up of our character,
personality and those things we are
good at.
Our weaknesses with work can
become a gift or a talent. Of
course it depends what it is.
For an example, I wasn't a good
reader until I was 14. I was tutored
for three weeks where I was on a
level of a 17. It is possible I had the
talent all a long however because
of where I was at five years old.
I didn't start talking until I was five
years old because I couldn't hear.
In part my ears had wax in them.
There was more than that however
I don't know what the remaining
issue was.
I am not sure how long it took me
to become good at talking but I am
sure not long. I find it interesting
I became a good writer before a
good reader. I am not the reason
for it. Maybe God wanted me able
write well before reading.
We all have some challenges in life
however our natural gifts and talents
do come out. They are not only for
our enjoyment but for others too.
You figure people enjoy watching
sports, theater, movies and music
concerts. All those involved have
great talent to do so. More than
most people. It doesn't mean we
don't have talent in any of those
areas they are at the top for sure.
Next time look at spiritual gifts
which are as important as the
natural ones if not more. ❤️❤️❤️❤️