Thursday, November 30, 2023

Our Natural Person

We are familiar  with  our natural 
person with gifts and talents.
They are made up of our character,
personality and those things we are
good at.

Our weaknesses  with work  can 
become a gift or a talent.  Of
course it depends what it is.

For an example, I  wasn't  a good
reader until I  was 14. I was tutored
for three weeks where I  was on a 
level of a 17. It is possible I had the
talent all a long however because 
of where I  was at five years old.

I didn't  start talking until I  was  five
years old because  I  couldn't hear.
In part my ears had wax in them. 
There was more than that however 
I  don't  know what the remaining 
issue  was. 

I am not sure how  long  it  took me
to become good  at talking but I am 
sure not long. I  find  it  interesting 
I became a good writer before a
good reader. I am  not  the reason
for it. Maybe God  wanted me able 
write well before reading.

We all have some challenges in life
however our natural  gifts and talents 
do come out. They are not only for
our enjoyment  but for others too.
You figure people  enjoy watching
sports, theater, movies and music 
concerts. All those involved have
great talent to do so. More than 
most people.  It doesn't  mean  we
don't  have  talent  in  any of those 
areas they are at the top for sure.

Next time look at spiritual  gifts 
which are as important as the
natural ones if not more. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Two Types Of Purpose

There is two  parts of us so their is 
two purposes as well.  We are natural 
and spiritual so our purpose is made
up of both.

The thing is many people don't deal
with their spiritual side often if at all.
We have gifts both naturally and
spiritual.  Sometimes they  match as 

Say you are naturally  a good speaker
naturally  than you likely have the gift
to speak into others lives spiritually 
as well.  Even if you are not good 
speaker naturally  you may spiritually 
have the gift. This is one example  of  
natural and spiritual gifts. 

There are natural  gifts  that can tie
in spiritual guts too. For instance if
you are a good cook then you should 
have the spiritual gift of hospitality. 
I am sure you have people  in your
homes a lot.

Take the time to look at your natural 
gifts and talents you may see how
they work  with  you  spiritually too. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Knowing Our Purpose

Did you  know  people  will find out their 
life purpose at different ages. I didn't know 
I  had a purpose  for my life until a few 
years ago.

Even before I  knew I  had  a  purpose I
was doing my purpose or at the least I 
was being trained.

Did you know your job is not only part
of your purpose  it is training for a greater
purpose.  Whether you are a lawyer, or a
doctor or a fireman which are all great 
professions there is  more to your purpose. 
People  are  more than those professions 
so whatever  you  are doing or have done
you are stretching the surface of your purpose. 

You can look back at other posts I have done
and others that will be coming.  I  am going to
be looking at the different areas of our purpose. 
I  am  sure  they may have been  mentioned before.
I  recommend you want to know  more you can
do searches on all these areas.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday, November 27, 2023

A New Week

A new week with new month coming
up it is important  to have a fresh

Many of us will  be  busy  with the
holidays.  People will be shopping 
with some having joy however there 
can be those whose anger will come
forth because  of the crowds.

It is so important  we are not one of
those where anger spills over. We 
must continue the joy and encouragement 
to those around us.

I wish you the best as we head into 
December  and the end of the year.
May you have learned from the trials
of 2024. Merry Christmas and happy 
holidays. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Being Stubborn

It came to my mind while being awake
about being stubborn.  It can be a tough
thing if you get angry  while being stubborn. 

If stubborn says to you that your being
stubborn  or you are a stubborn person. 
It could depend on the situation or what 
the belief is in.

Say someone  you don't  know very while
and you are chatting  online with them.
They are trying  to  get  something from
you and they say your stubborn or you
don't  trust them. It is hard to trust someone 
you have never met. In fact a lot of scams
happen  because  they try and succeed in
you trusting  them.

My answer to anyone  I may chat online I
will say when they try something on me
I am  being cautious or I am  not  interested. 
At that point  they may push harder or decide
you are not worth it. It has something to do
with dating or having a relationship they may
say don't you love me. I would say falling in
love immediately  happens rarely and a good
idea to stop right there.

The most important  thing is if you are being
stubborn do not be stressed about it. Not
good for your health. I hope this helps you
as you are going on your life  journey.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, November 25, 2023

Life and Religion

Most of us have experienced religion 
and belong to a religious  organization. 

God loves  his church however sometimes 
people  don't  feel right being there. They
may feel  judged by others. Our purpose  
should  be where people  feel  loved and 

Sometimes  people  need help which includes
tough love however  it should only after 
knowing  and trust after a while. 

Tough love is in the process of help. It is 
important  to  know who can handle tough
love. Some may be fragile  where tough
love can hurt more than help.

In the end God wants relationship with
people  as well as with one another. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, November 24, 2023

Being Straight With Others

It is so important  no matter  who the person 
is and what kind of relationship  we have must
be honest  and  straightforward with them.

Those who  we mentor or asking  for help
especially  need to know our opinion  and
honesty.  If  they are going through  a rough
patch they really  need  to  know what we

If we are in the position of help we should
listen  ourselves.  We have to be honest 
whether we are getting  better or not. 

We all go through  tough times  even if 
they are not as bad as those around us.
Having one friend to spend time with 
will make both of us stronger.  Amen!

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Overcoming Obstacles

Since we are not perfect we all have
obstacles  getting  in  the way to do
our purpose  as we like.

Maybe our past rises up on occasion. 
We might be looking  at  today thinking
I  have  enough issues myself  than 
helping others.  

Since I am  into lists write down the
obstacles  you feel  right now. You 
can add onto the list when they come
to your mind.

Our purpose  is to help others with the
gifts and talents God has given us. Others
we know or run into have their gifts and 
talents to help us.

A good  idea is to have someone or more
to spend time with. You can  help each 
other out.

May you have a blessed day and let the 
obstacles  go by the side. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

More Thankful

We live in a world now where there
is over 8 billion  people. I have no
idea how many are starving and 
don't  have  much but there a lot.

I have seen children in Africa in
photos where they don't know
where their next meal will come

At the same time they look very
happy. I  am  not sure  whether  it
is the fact they are children  or
they are thankful  for what they 

For some life is getting  better with
people  around  the world  giving
them a helping hand. Bringing in
food and helping with the water 
supply to bring in clean water.
Now we have to  find other areas
who are not fortunate as well. 

Even the areas of the world where
food in good supply there are people 
still starving.  

Having three good meals  a day does 
not guarantee  happiness. Wealth doesn’t 
guarantee  happiness either. Being thankful 
and helping  others may make everyone 
more happy.  

We live in a world  where  most everyone 
is busy. We must take our time to be with
others even in our busy times. Be thankful,
gratitude and loving. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Being Thankful For Small Things

On Thursday  here in the United States we
will be celebrating  Thanksgiving. It is a 
holiday  that happens  each year where
family and  friends get together  to be
thankful  for  all their blessings. 

It is easy to be thankful for the obvious 
things like family, friends and the home
we have. It is the little things we may 
forget at times to be thankful for.

So today be thankful for the small things.
Let God know we appreciate  them as
well. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday, November 20, 2023

Supporting One Another

When we are living this life it is so
important  to have people supporting 
one another.

Were  not here to live alone. At times
it is good  to  get away however spending 
too much alone time is not good. It 
might be the reason  so many people  deal
with mental  health problems.

This is why we need positive  support. 
Those who  will encourage us no matter 
what is going on in our lives. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Gorgeous Weekend

Hello  I  hope you are having a gorgeous 
weekend.  The last few days  it was sunny
though a little  cold too. Rain came back
Saturday  night. 

I know  there are places where it is already 
Monday so I  hope the weekend was good
and the week  starts out well. 

Saturday  morning  after the gym and driving
down the waterfront there where medium 
size boats that were racing. Actually  they
were crawling since there was no wind. 
Going out of the mouth of the harbor often 
there is no wind. 

Outside the harbor  there was no wind either.
I figured it was going to be a long race. I  hope
the wind did pickup so it would be a good 
race eventually.

It brought back memories when I  went racing
or just sailing with my dad. I  remember it was
not much fun as a teenager. Dad loved it so
he could find a way to win the race. I  suppose 
it was like a chess match. Dad always checked
to see the tides each day so when he went out
racing  he could take advantage over the other
racers. It must have worked  since he often won
though not all the time. 

Dad started sailing  around the age of sixteen. I know
he and his brother  built  their first boat at sixteen.
The only  thing  Dad loved more than sailing was his
family. I  was able to benefit  for that.

I will  pray that things go well  for  you  today. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Longer Holidays

It seems  each year the commercial start
of holidays begin earlier  each ttime. I
saw candy, party plates and costumes 
available at the beginning of  September. 
I  am sorry but October 1 is soon enough.

I have seen Christmas  trees up already.
Maybe this week  but last couple weeks 
seem to early.  Maybe the season isn't 
that long however commercial start of
it seems to soon. I  enjoy the spirit  of
Christmas  and  songs like Silent Night
you sing at church is great but the 
secular songs like We Wish You a Merry 
Christmas and many others I am fine
with the first or second week of December. 

It doesn't  sound we can stop it unless 
people  don't  buy early.  If you have
relatives and friends  who don't live
nearby I understand  buying for them.

Anyway  enjoy the spirit of  the holiday.

Friday, November 17, 2023

High Value

We all high value whether we believe it  
or not.

Good parents  worry about their children 
if they are missing or gone for a moment.

I see people  have higher value  for their
pets than other people.  We get angry 
sometimes over the smallest thing even
it seems like a tall building.

On Wednesday  night at my church home
group we were discussing in Matthew 5
where Jesus  Christ  said  the  law says
an eye for an eye and I  say when someone 
hits you on one side turn the other side
as well. God has high standards because
he has high value  for  us.

I mentioned  wouldn't  it  be nice if we 
treated everyone  like the cute three 
year old children we see.

First of all we should treat ourselves 
as high value and others as well. Even
those we normally  would not. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, November 16, 2023


My thought this morning  is  prayer. 
God desires for us to prayer for
those who brings into our lives.

First of all for  our spouse and 
children  along with other family 
members. Also friends and those
we just met. 

Another group  would be someone
who may have honked their horn
while we driving whether justified 
or not. Other driving infractions 
as well.  We have no idea what
others are going through. God said
to pray for our enemies too. At that
moment that is who there are.

Pray for anyone  who comes to
your mind and pray for yourself 
to. Amen! 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Growing Together

The greatest  reward  is  when couples
grow together. Loving and raising a
family. The second  most important 
purpose in life next with relationship 
with God.

The saddest thing is many couples 
grow apart  from each other. The
love leaves primarily because of
selfishness  on one of the parties 
or both. Families are torn apart 
with  some never coming together 
again. Fortunately  some heal over
a period of time.

Let your love for each depart. Let it 
grow continually no matter  what 
differences come. Find new interests 
if the old ones are no longer working. 

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Looking For Someone

It is in our nature  to search for someone 
or something.  In the beginning  we have
our parents  plus our siblings if we have  

We get a little  older we have cousins 
and friends who we end up finding.
Later on we seek  after our partner. 
Whether it is  friends or partner we 
sometimes find  the wrong ones.

In reality  we  are  searching  for  God.
The one who created  us and gave us
our purpose.  The trouble  is  we don't 
realize it for awhile.

We look for truth and wisdom as well. 
There will be those who will direct us
on the wrong path disguised as truth
and wisdom. Often it is disguised as

When you find a true man or woman 
of God during your search  listen to 
them and they will lead you to Jesus 
Christ who is the truth and the life. 
Your search will be over for you will
find the one you were looking for.

Monday, November 13, 2023


The most important  purpose for a 
couple is being together. 

It doesn't matter  whatever else is
going on you are a couple. 

The word should be we not you.
What brought  you together  in the
first place. Come back to the 
beginning  if necessary. 

Today make us a priority.  Have
no other thoughts but about us.
Go to God to put yourselves back
together. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Change The World

We are living in a world that needs 
to change.

Every day we hear news quickly by 
news or social media.

Most of the news isn't good. Things 
haven't changed we just know it sooner.

The world is smaller now then it used
to be. We can change the world we live
in. One voice or step at a time.

We were born for this time. Our purpose
is to effect the world and community
we live.

Our voice should be of encouragement,
love and faith. ❤❤❤❤

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Here We Are Again

Yes another weekend  for us to enjoy.
Here in United States  Saturday is 
Veterans Day.  We honor those who
have served in the military. 

This means a lot of people are having
a three day weekend.  I  certainly  saw
people out and about on Friday.  

For some the weekend  will be to relax
for the most part. Maybe read a good
book or do a board game or play cards.
On an extra long weekend  go to their
family cabin or favorite  place. 

For others they may go exercise  or for
a long walk or hike. There will be those
who go to a concert, movie or sporting 

The important  thing  is  to  make the best
of the weekend.  Quality  time with others
or youself. The weekend  is for energizing 
ourselves  for the week  ahead.

Whatever you are doing be blessed. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, November 10, 2023

There Is More

We do more in life than our purpose or I think.
Our purpose  should be our way of life for the 
most part.

Everything that we are good at is part of our
purpose. There are things like enjoying  the 
outdoors  or cooking  or sports that are part 
of our purpose  to. This is  true when they
are talents  we are good at.

Some things could be enjoyable however 
there are other  things we should spend
doing. We have to decide how it works 

It isn't  like we can't  spend some time on
occasion  doing so. There are things we 
can do to relax. The important  to  decide 
when we do so. 

I believe  social media  can be a distraction 
to us. It is not like we can't  spend time since
there are people  we know that we can see how
they are doing. This is about friends and family 
we don't   see as often as we like.

We can get news and learn about things on
social media  however learn how much time
should be spent doing so. If  you  are  spending 
a lot of time it is a good  idea to cut back. In
fact take a day or two away from it to realize
whether important.  For one I  stopped what
people  are  talking about politics.  Often they
continue  repeating all the time and if you think
that you can change others minds on politics 
it is not likely  going to  happen.  

I enjoy that you enjoy coming to my site here
however I  understand  other things are as 
important.  I enjoy encouraging  you even
when they are to challenge you. They challenge 
me as well. What I write  applies  to  myself too.

As the week is coming to a close may you be blessed.
Oh yes don't  be stressed either. This is sometimes 
hard to get over with too.❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, November 9, 2023

What Makes Us Happy

We all believe  what will makes us happy. 
Most of us being married,  having children,
a dream job, and a nice house to name a few.

It doesn't  always turn out for us being 
happy.  In fact we might have to  try more
than once in the  list of being happy.

Our life purpose which we were created for 
will make us happy.  They may include being
married, children, job and house. There will
be even more in our purpose.  We just find
our way. ❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Midweek Check

For those who have made a list of
things to do with your life purpose 
Wednesday  is a good chance to see 
how you are doing.  Of course it is
still early  to make changes as well. 

Those who haven't  made a list you
can start at anytime.  Now  that we
are near 2024 we can set goals for 
the new year.

The list can be how many new people  
you meet  each day or week.  You can
list what your goal is and how many 
actually  you met. Out of these new 
people how many become good friends.  

You can make a list to have a goal of
seeing old friends as well.  The ones
you lost contact with. They may have
been coworkers who moved on or you
moved on. Maybe they moved location 
of the same company or whatever.

Those who like to  write  a  journal can
write a story  behind meeting  some of
these people.  The importance is to be
effective  in  our life purpose.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Where Should Our Eyes Be

Where should our eyes be.

1. Jesus  Christ  our savior
2. Our family 
3. Our friends.
4. Everyone  else who we come across in our purpose 

Yes our eyes be on those four areas.
We will follow  our purpose we created for.
You will be happy  doing  so.
Don't  let other things get in the way. 

Monday, November 6, 2023

Riding the Course

Life sometimes  does crazy things.  
You met someone who you think
will change your life and it isn't 
the way you expect. 

It is easy  for  your heart to be 
broken and you are thinking you
are going through  this again.

I figure  it is important to ride the
course. It might not be as bad as
you think and you don't  want  to lose
the one is the love of your life.

Circumstances  might not be like you
think just because  you haven't  seen
them in several  days and you don't  
know how to get hold of them.

I pray for  the person  that  they have
the same feelings and will see them
again soon. Don't have a broken heart. 

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Having Freedom

Here in the United  States  we have  freedom 
though live isn't  all what is cracked up to
be. Our lives are far from perfect  however
we do have our freedom to choose. 

We have freedom  to  speak  our own minds
and decide whether to follow God or otherwise. 
In question  whether  that will last though.

At least we are blessed  to  have  a choice unlike
many nations whether government or religion.
Though we are from from perfect I wish everyone 
had freedom  of  choice  even if they make the
wrong choices.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Inside Activities

Here in Western Washington we are  going 
to have rain for a week or longer. November 
is raining season so good time to spend 
inside and doing indoor activities during
free time. 

Spend time with family and friends playing 
some bard games. Great way to work on
your social  skills and have fun too. This
is where rain or snow happens for that matter.

We are expected  to  be social in our lives
especially  with our purpose.  I know not
everyone  is as good at as they  should be.
I am  sure  you have heard we can't  be an
island to ourselves.  It doesn't  mean  you
shouldn't  have  free time for yourself either.
The importance is to have a balance between 
being with others and being bt yourself. 

Now this is coming into the holiday season 
enjoy each person  you  see. Encourage others
and be encouraged yourself.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, November 3, 2023

There Is Healing

For those who believe and follow 
Jesus  Christ  there is healing
besides forgiveness  of sins.

One of the spiritual  gifts is healing.
Every believer can pray for others
for healing however there are those
who are given the gift of healing.

I believe  those who become a
follower of Christ  are not only 
forgiven and given a spiritual 
life they are healed as well.

I believe to when those who realize
that God has created  them for a
life purpose they are healed too.

I belive as well we can be healed
each day. Not only spiritual healing 
but physical healing too. May you
be healed  today in whatever fashion 
you need. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, November 2, 2023

The Good and More

The thing about us besides  being unique 
and each having a purpose  there is goodness 
and ugliness  to. 

We must accept  the  goodness and the
ugliness  in ourselves and others.  For those
who are closest  to  us  we love them no
matter what.  

We must repent for the sin and ugliness asking
God to  change us. We can't  do it on our own 
no matter  how hard we try. The reason  Jesus 
Christ came and died on  the cross was for our
sins. He will change us and make us more 
beautiful and less ugly.  

God already knows our sins and weaknesses we
might as well  accept that  and forgive others
for their sins, ugliness and weaknesses.  Look
at the good in each other and not everything 
else.  Amen! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Tis The Season

Whether  officially or not November 
is the  holiday season. 

Like most years I  say for us not only 
enjoy the season but to use your purpose. 
We all have gifts and they are free to
give away. 

There are those who  are  lonely that 
can use every  gift we have. Like the
saying God created  each of us in a 
special way to help others just as they
do us. Spread the joy too. ❤️❤️❤️❤️