Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Believe It Or Not

Today is Halloween.  Some belive it while
others do not. Personally  I  don't.  I enjoyed
trick or treating as a child however those days
are over.

You have those who dress up in spooky  outfits.
Want to so be it. There are those who take it
serious as celebrating  evil. Whether you do or
not. Goodness in the end is going to win over 

Evil seems to be in charge right now. The day
will come that good will have victory.  Those 
who live a daily life of evil will go down. It is
sad since they are not living their true life of
purpose.  God bless  you  today and always. 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Working It Out

When we find out or told we have a
life purpose  it is  like a relationship 
we have to work it out. 

Most of our life purpose  we are 
already  doing  a lot of it we just
didn't  know it is our purpose and

The next step is start working  it out
as our purpose.  It is beyond our 
daily life. It effects  every person we
know or who we are going to know.

We now it important  part of our
being and we are here doing what
we were created  for.  It is like a
light bulb coming on. 

Now we have this purpose  it is the
time to go on the ride. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Two To Go

We say  every  year the time goes by 
so fast and  this is another one with
almost two months to go.

We should look at the success and
failures of this year. Write them down 
and see what  we accomplish  the
last two month.

We can look forward to 2024 and 
plan can be better.  A lot of people 
certainly  like to  celebrate the new
year. Let's  go for it and let our purpose  
be  better. Make other people  life 
be better.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Give To Others

There are many ways we can  give
to others in our purpose. 

For some they can give financially 
since they have much money.

The other giving has to do with our
talents and gifts. We can share
information  or we can entertain 
or persuade people are other ways.

We all have needs. Everyone has 
something  to help us in our needs.
It can be love or friendship as well. 

At some point  we  are  lonely as
well so someone can stand by us.
Giving is an awesome thing no
matter what gift we share or given.

Most giving doesn't  cost us money
and is more valuable.  Though some
will need money at some point a gift
of no cost to us will be high value
to them.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, October 27, 2023

Taking Responsibility

Our life purpose should be exciting  and
enjoyable  though we will go through 
hard times as well. 

We need to take responsibility too. I 
have mentioned  in past posts about
making plans and there is finances
we have to deal with with our purpose 
to come  to  reality.

Our purpose  is  like a business  and
for some iit is a business. The reason 
it is important to take responsibility.  
We may have to rest, take time and 
think more about purpose.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Getting To Know Someone

Getting  to know someone  all depends 
on the circumstances.  Are they the
same sex, opposite  sex, married or single.

The same  sex would be knowing them and
about being  friends or mentoring them. 

The opposite sex can be more difficult.  If
they are married  then being friends casually. 

They are single and you are as well whether 
you want to pursue a relationship; to find out
about any feelings for them.  Are you only
attracted by their appearance.  What the
future  may look like.

Having strong feelings  for the opposite sex
and single seeing a long relationship. Falling
in love and seeing  how  each of your purpose 
may work together.  Your purposes could be
different however they can be such where
the world will be more effected. Time will 

So whatever area of knowing someone best
to you  all and me too. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Adventure Or Routine

There are those who love to go on
adventures often while many like 
the life of routine.

We all know people  who are on
a lot of adventures.  They maybe
flying to Europe or Hawaii. It 
doesn't  mean  any of us can't 
go on adventure  in our own backyard 
so to speak.

We may have the same routine day
after day and on occasion  go somewhere 
where the weekend  or vacation.

I  believe we can have adventure within
routine. All comes down to our attitude.
We can do routine as though our plans
are the same each day and most things
stay the same or we look for adventure 
within the everyday things.

I  am  sure  some people  are  thinking
what can I  do  to  spice up my life since 
it feels so routine nothing changes. Maybe
it is doing something a little  bit different 
then what you have been doing. Maybe it 
is driving  a different way to work or taking
the stairs  instead of the elevator. 

So let your life be an adventure no matter
how routine  it may feel right now. ❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Looking Forward

We all have to look forward  to  our life 
and what our purpose is.  It  is  best 
not look  at  our past other than to
learn from it.

We can be excited  when we find out 
what our purpose  is for /he future.
It is best to take it one day at a time.

Though it is normal  it is best  not to
dwell  on  the negative  other than 
learn from it. It is good to have a
mentor or partner  to walk through 
this life. 

Our purpose  should include  mentoring 
others however having a mentor is a great
idea. We should look into who would be
the best mentor unless we have one already.

May your purpose purpose  continue to
be good. Discover new things  ever day.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Have an Argument

Have an argument  on Monday means you 
should forgive  or it could be a long week. 

Forgiveness  doesn't  mean  you are right
or wrong. You decided not to  let take
control of your life. Forgiveness  allows
for you to move on. Hopefully  the 
relationship  will be better however if it
doesn't  you have done what you should.

It doesn't  matter  whether the other person  
forgave you. You did what you must. . Do
not let anger grow  inside you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Step By Step

When it comes to people  change doesn't 
always happen overnight. For some people
change happens  over days or weeks  or 
months. Even years for some.

This is where patience comes in where
have to take step by step. Sometimes 
a step might be going back one before 
going ahead again. 

This might  be someone  we are counseling 
or mentoring. It could be ourselves too.
Often we are own critic and that is ok.

Everyone  is unique  when it comes to 
changing just like in our purpose. Don't 
judge someone  who is in the process.
The best thing is to pray for them.

Saturday, October 21, 2023

We Have An Adversary

We have an adversary  who is called Satan 
or the devil. He hates humans especially 
those who follow Jesus Christ. 

The primary  reason  he hates us is jeoulsy 
and that God through Jesus  Christ forgives 
our sins. Satan  wasn't  forgiven  his sin
of rebellion. We could say he lost his wings
for wanting  to  be equal  with God.  

Anyway Satan  would love to kill us especially 
those who follow Christ.  Our  purpose is such
we want everyone  to  follow Christ.  Satan
knows our potential  even if we don't.  

In a way we are like the United States Navy
Seals trained for battle and we have God's 
protection.  God not only loves us he knows
what we can do if we choose  to do it.

So let us get away the distractions and do
all the purposes God has for us. Amen!

Friday, October 20, 2023

My Home Town

There is something  about our
home town even if we no longer
life there.

There is or was a purpose  to
our home town no matter how
long living there.

Foe me is a great place to grow
up. We lived on waterfront the
waterfront  that my grandfather 
Nightingale  bought about one
hundred years ago. We no longer
own it as my parents sold it in
1988. I do look over from town 
whenever I  drive or walk.

The population  has grown 
double  since I  have become
an adult however I  still think
about  the good old days. It
still a small town and that part
of it will never change. Much
of the growth  is outside the 
town too.

They really  need to expand the
highway that  hasn't  changed 
since I  was a child. At least they
need to add one more lane each

My dad was really into sailing. We
had three sailboats of different sizes.
Dad enjoyed racing as well.  It is
always fun seeing boats out in the

One thing hasn't  changed  either is
the teenagers going into the big city
of Tacoma or Seattle  when the opportunity 
arises. That is what happens when
living in and around a small town. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Need Healing

I have mentioned before  I  don't  remember 
dreams very  often however  they can be

This morning  I  woke up with a dream in
my mind. I  was speaking  with  a homeless 
man. He needed prayer for mental health. 

This man was telling  me  about the job
he had. There were two other men who 
were interested  in  his old job that had
two positions  opened. The homeless 
man was concerned  about  them and
the job.

I  ended up praying  for  him. About the
job and  for God to heal his mental health. 
He told me he really  loved living on the
streets and having the job would mean he
have to go back to living in a place.

I told him he could still live on the streets 
still if he wanted too. This is where the 
dream ended.

We should take every opportunity to pray
for someone who needs help whether
like this homeless man  in my dream.

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Everyday we have multiple  choices 
to make. Some are made like having 
to go to work. 

At work  or wherever  we are spending 
time we have choices. Some choices 
turn out to be good and other ones
not so much.

Some choices may take  wisdom to
accomplish while others we do today
or wait another time. 

After work do we go to grocery store 
or out for dinner or straight home.
Any of these choices can make a 
difference.  Who we see or what choices 
to buy or what to eat.

Have a great day and your choices 
go well.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Called Worthless

Most of us have been called worthless 
at times. Not only by those who are 
close to us we have spoken about
ourselves  in that manner. 

In Matthew 5 Jesus  Christ  speaks
about murder. He speaks about calling
someone worthless  or a fool  in the
same manner as murder. Otherwords 
we put judgment  on ourselves. 

We must forgive ourselves  and others
for speaking  words against. We have
great worth. Jesus Christ  died  for us
and finds us worthy. We have a purpose 
and a life worthy of the gifts and talents 
given to us. We are worthy of sharing 
them with others. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday, October 16, 2023

A Good Listener

Personally  it is something  I  have  to work 
on being a good  listener.  It is important 
to listen in our life purpose.  

It is a major part of communication.  For 
us to use our gifts we have to listen well.
Why marriages fail is one or both don't 
listen. This is important  when we don't 
agree. We must realize  we are not the 
only one with answers. 

If you feel  that  you  are  not  being 
listen to well  check out your skills
of listening  as well as speaking.
We need to be in conversation not
being selfish.

Is our side conversation  have to be
always right. Depending  on  the subject
we don't  always have to win. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, October 15, 2023

Having Confidence

It is importance  we have confidence 
in ourselves as we help others.

When they see the confidence  as well 
as care for them they will  trust us.

Our confidence is often to do with
our culture  and  how were raised.
It is important  that others think
well  of us. The same as we feel 
about them. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Being Ready

A reminder  we should be ready to
use our gifts and talents always. 

It may take us to have our bodies 
always in shape along with our
minds. It is good to fast on occasion  
as well. Can miss eating  for a day or
a few or skip one meal on occasion.
Can have a snack or fruit when not
eating a meal or have water or tea 
or coffee  instead. 

Fasting from social  media  or television
on occasion  be good to do as well. 
I find breathing  in and out beyond the
normal is a good idea especially if  stress
is happening. May you have a great
weekend.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, October 13, 2023

Pleasing People

Our purpose  is really  not to please
other people  though many do anyway. 

Having compassion  for others is not
the same thing for pleasing people. 
Pleasing those you love is fine as long
as you don't  over due it.

People  try to please others out of
duty or being accepted and they are 
both incorrect.  The only reason 
is your heart wants to at a particular
time. Another reason  a person  may 
try to please another is out of guilt.

I hope this helps you and remember 
only please someone for the right
reason.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Pray For All Nations

Another of our purpose  in life is prayer.
We should  be praying  for each of our
countries along with  every other nation.

Right now we should  be  praying for 
Israel  and the whole Middle East. 
Pray that good people  would have
victory  over evil people. 

We pray that God would take  down
every terrorist group.  We pray for 
young people they would not believe 
the ideology of these groups. 

We pray for families  especially  the 
women and children in many cases
are dying or being taken captive.

We pray to that Russian President 
Vladimir Putin would not take 
advantage  of  the war with Ukraine 
while the world is looking at Israel
and the Middle  East. 

We pray for everyone  who has been
reading  these posts over the years
especially  where wars are going on.
I pray not only freedom of speech 
in United States  and  other countries 
that have it in their constitutions 
continue  that all other countries 
will have the opportunity  to.  Amen!


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Looking For Today

Each day when we wake up must
look forward to what the day brings.

Our decisions will likely make out 
what the day turns out. Where we
go and who we meet.

We will be surprised by our decisions
as well. If not our life wouldn't be so

Love, faith and hope should be the
backbone of today.

Blessings to you all and God loves you.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Perfect Timing

It is amazing how often God sets something
up in perfect timing.

On Monday afternoon  I  was leaving my
favorite coffee shop.  A woman asked me 
if I was Herb Nightingale.  Of course I  said
yes. It turned out  she was the younger 
sister of a guy I  grew up with and graduated 
from high school.  

We had never met before however we are 
friends on social media because of the 
connection of me and her brother. He is
is eleven years  older than her so I am 
one of the few she knows of her brother
growing up. 

The amazing  thing  about the timing is had 
she arrived a minute later or I left a minute 
earlier  we wouldn't  have met. God certainly 
knows what he is doing. Whether and I will
ever meet again who knows. Oh yes she no
longer lives here and visits once in a while.
She lives in the state about a three hour drive.

I  am  sure  everyone  has had a similar experience 
at one time or another. It still shows the timing
of God. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Monday, October 9, 2023

Being Generous

Being generous  is mostly known for
giving food and clothing to the poor. 

It  should be more than that though 
it is a good and proper thing to do.
Something even more valuable  than 
food  and clothing.  

You should do it besides  giving food 
and clothing  it is your time. Not only
to the poor those who are sick and
in nursing  homes.   Those who are 
lonely and have no one. They could 
be beautiful  looking on the outside
and poor inside.

The best thing is for none of us to judge
others by what we see. What I  have
heard to say we don't  know others 
stories. Take the time and learn theirs.
I  am  sure  you  want others know yours.

Sunday, October 8, 2023

Finding Goodness

Not an easy task is to find goodness.
I figure another area of our purpose  
should not be only kind to others 
but find goodness as well as showing

When it comes to  the human race
it isn't  always easy to find  goodness 
though it is there though maybe in the 

I think most of us try to be good but
our nature gets in the way. Anger and
selfishness are hardest areas to overcome.

Finding goodness in nature is a bit easier. 
This maybe a waterfall or flowers or
animals. So besides showing goodness 
to others let's go out and find it. 

Saturday, October 7, 2023

Sunrise Sunset

It still surprises  me though I  should
know better that sunrise is later and I 
awake to darkness. Sunset comes 
earlier too. 

The sunset bothers me this time of 
the year than sunrise.  The main reason 
having to drive in the dark looking for 
someone's  place that I  am  not familiar 
or is difficult  anyway. Have to  check
the signs too.

The darkness  reminds me about evil
and the world we live in now. A lot of
people think what was good before
now as evil and vice versa. Sorry it
hasn't  changed no matter peoples opinion.

Also there is spiritual  gift  called discernment.
Those who have this gift can recognize what
is good and what is evil. It is a battle continuing 
between  good and evil.  Many may think evil 
will win but no goodness will in the end. God
promises that. The big winner is love and
those who believe in Jesus  Christ.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, October 6, 2023

Being Defensive

A lot of what I  post here are thoughts 
that come to my mind. We all can do better
with our life purpose  by acting on our
thoughts. Our mind God gave us for a 
purpose  as well. 

In a few hours on the Friday I will be
in my kickboxing class. I  have been
going to  this class for about the last
six months.

The major reason  is  another form of
exercise  however if the opportunity 
comes up it is something to use defensively. 

Most of the class are women which is a
good thing since they are the ones who 
especially will want to feel safe though
men may feel  good about it as well. 

My thought it is important that we act
defensively  sometimes in our purpose. 
Actually  offensively isn't  a  bad idea

When your mind gives you  something 
good about life and your purpose  I
recommend  you act on it. May your
purpose  become more defined each
and everyday.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, October 5, 2023

October Plans

Now we are into the holiday season 
plans for October  are underway 
while November and December 
are approaching. 

This is is the time of the year we
can be effective  with our purpose. 
Since we are unique  each of our
purposes will be different in some
regard as well. 

May this holiday  season  be fruitful 
in your purpose.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Being Worthwhile

It is always good to feel worthwhile  by others
no matter what. It is the natural feeling.
Rejection  isn't  good, however  it is part
of life as well. 

We must know God  confirms us and loves
us since he is the one that created us to do
good works and gave us our life purpose. 

The thing is God loves us no matter what 
we do and how many mistakes we make.
God wants to be with us every moment  of 
the day. Though he wants us to do his
bidding he wants to spend the time with us.

Have great joy today knowing whatever you
are doing it is as natural as breathing.  Amen!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

More Expectations

The more we grow in our knowledge 
of our life purpose and our talents
the more we expect.  It is just a
normal way of going.

With expectations  brings more 
responsibility  as well.  A major 
important thing is we need to
stay humble at the same time.

Let us enjoy the ride as well.  We
are here for the long ride too. At
least we hope so. ❤️❤️❤️

Monday, October 2, 2023

High Value

Our life purpose  should show us
that we have high value.  We are
each valued high and respect one
another in that regard.

We should teach our children  the 
same thing. Often we have to learn
from being treated poorly  in our

Those who live according to their
life purpose  will treated with high
esteem by many though jealousy 
could cost us. Do not be jealous 
of others purpose for we have
our own.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️