Friday, September 20, 2024

Prayer For Our Purpose

God we come to you as your  the one
that created us for a purpose. 

We ask that every day you reveal  to
us what our purpose  is for the day.

We would be consistent in doing 
our purpose.  We would see the 
people who  need our encouragement. 
They would have a life change  and
have a purpose  as well. Amen!

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Being Positive

Being positive  is  important  when we are
living in a negative  world.  

It is easy  to  sink down to the same level 
as many  others are at. We were all created
to have a positive  approach  to life and 
live in it.

God wants  us to approach him at any time
whether we are having a good day or not.
Often we only go to God when are lives
are in a desperate  spot. 

If you are parent you want your children 
to come to anytime.  More times as we 
like it. God  is the same way.  So go to
God every  day.  The best time is first
thing in the morning  when you wake up.
You have a better time  it is good to.
Go to God soon he is waiting for you.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Being Consistent

When it comes to our lives it is important 
to stay consistent.  Everyone  around us 
expects us to be.

Trouble comes when in the middle of
life when those flip out  and change 
things. Marriages end during that
period. Life isn't  the same ever again.
What you accomplished before won't 
do any good by then. Consistency  
meansneveryone can count on us 
each day.

I  would say think before doing something 
drastic. Not everything is better on the
other side of the fence.  There are things
I  like would be different  but have to live
with what I  have and change what is 
positive.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Privilege of Travel

Last  week  I  had the opportunity to
visit  two of my cousins  who live in
the Caribou of British Columbia,

I know that not everyone  gets the
change  to travel  elsewhere  including 
a place  that  isn't  real  far away. 

It took me about 12 hours  driving by
car with a few stops  on the way.  The
Fraser Canyon  had some construction 
going on the roads from recent weather 
conditions. The Canyon is a wonderful  
place to see even if you are driving  

The time was worth it not only seeing
my cousins I was  able to meet the
neighbors  right away because  they 
were  having an outdoor gathering
next door.

My cousin Susan is  part of a small
symphony group so I  was able to
see them perform and they were
outstanding. A couple days  later 
I saw a trio of musicians perform 
some blues at the farmers market.
They were outstanding too.

So much to get in for a week on the
road. I  look forward  to  going once
again  as well  as  other travel.  I 
believe it is good to  get out of own
element once in a while. 

                                    A spot in the Fraser  Canyon 

Monday, September 16, 2024

Being A Leader

In our  purpose  is  to  be  a leader. For some 
they don't  feel  being a leader and instead 

I once heard someone  say we are all leaders 
even if we are the only one we lead. Yes not
everyone  turns out to be a good leader.  It
may take some time as well. 

A bad leader  is someone  who wants to control 
each and every situation.  This not good whether 
you are in a family,  business  or organization. 

The best leaders are those who are unselfish.
They allow  others to make decisions as well. 
They make the final  decision  when they have
to. They know those under them can make
good decisions as well. They are teachers 
who will train others to be good leaders.

May today be good and your decisions right.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Continue Every Day

It isn't always easy however as much
as we can do is to support one another
and those get into contact with each

I love to hear music since those who
write and perform do such a good job.
It isn't just the words and the sound it 
is the heart. It is sharing what is behind the music.

It doesn't matter whether you share your
life with or many on a day it is that you 
are doing it. We have no idea how many
are affected by us and to be honest it
doesn't matter other than it is. 

Let your gifts and talents shine for others 
to see. You will continue happy and fulfilled.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Contend For Our Life and Purpose

We need  to contend for our purpose
and life. We have spiritual  warfare. 
I have mentioned  it before.

Our gifts are to help us overcome 
all the odds and circumstances 
that come our way.  The enemies
both natural  and spiritual want to
contend with us.

Our trust  has to depend on God to 
help be victorious. We need to give
over every area that keeps us from 
doing our purpose. 

May you have a wonderful  with your
loved ones and joy may continue with
you.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Friday, September 13, 2024

Learning Something New

I find is exciting to do is learning
something new and remember
something old.

On Monday my cousin Christy
 taught me how to do pottery. 
Though I am a beginner she
told me I have some talent.
She helped out the finishes.
Who knows another talent
to work on.  

See here it is everyone.

In the evening we went to the farmers
market and heard some blues. This was 
the second time in three days to hear
music. Though I am an encouragers
there is something about the blues 
that can lift you up.  It is somewhere 
in the heart. I might start singing
the blues again at least in bed. It
may inspire me even more for our
purpose. Wherever you have been
there are other places to go. May
find the path you should be on.

Have a good day and may you have
a new plan or bring back the memories. 
Love you all. ♥♥♥♥

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Asking For Help

We all at some point need to have
help. We should  never be ashamed 
to ask for it.

Our pride can tell us that we don't 
need help or we can get out of it
on our own.

Situations  happen  that is  hard to 
find the way out. This is how so
many get into drugs or even suicide.

First we should ask God for help.
He may  direct someone to us.
This might be a stranger or a

Our purpose  should  be to help
those who are asking for help.
At least some of our purpose. 
We are here for each other. 

Though there are times where
being alone  can be healthy it
isn't  for a long time. We can't 
be an island to ourselves. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Goodness of Our Purpose

Though none of us are perfect
God did give each of us a unique
and perfect purpose for our lives.

The question is will we go for our
purpose or go another direction.
God does give us free will so we
have a choice although he will
stir us in the direction to go.

Our greatest joy will be to do our
life purpose. I expect most people
take a while to find out what that
purpose is. I certainly know it did
for me. Also, our purpose will evolve
as well.  ♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Story To Tell

We all have our story to tell.
We read other peoples stories
and we write our own too.

I enjoy people putting across
their story in poetry or song.
This can be fiction as well
though always true in there
as well. 

Poetry and song can flow
so well. Even the stories
that are sad. Since we are
each unique our stories
are too.

There are others whose stories
are close to ours and we can
relate so well however doesn't
change our story.

This is another part of our purpose
and destiny to share our story with
others. It might not be easy for us
at certain times however in the
long run it is good. Sharing can bring
joy to others and may bring some
closure to some chapters in our
story.    ♥♥♥♥

Monday, September 9, 2024

Don't Hold Onto Things

It is so important not to hold
onto to things. It will make
our purpose and life feel much

We all have at least one strain
relationship whether we started
or not. It is important to get the
relationship back into order no
matters whose fault.

We all have baggage and some
decide to put it onto to someone
else. It could include jealousy
which we have no control about
if directed toward us.

We won't good relationships with
everyone however we do with most.
We have those who consider us
enemies whether we provoked or
not. Everyone won't be our friend
even though we try.

It is our nature to be around those 
who are as close being like us
in whatever fashion. It is harder
for being around others who are 
not like us. This comes down to
us individually.

May yiu be blessed this week
and may some fences be repaired.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

More On Fear

Anyone we talk to about fear we must
deal with them as an individual.
Everyone's situation is as their own
person. This includes anything that is 
similar in nature.

I am sure most of us want to be
treated in the way of being heard
and respected so we must do the 

There may be those who  may think 
why this person have fear. Well they
do so how will you deal with it. They
need your help. What may seem like
a small thing can be a big thing to

May you enjoy the rest of your
weekend. Helping one person
can change the world in your
spot.   ♥♥♥♥

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Dealing With Fear

We all have to deal with fear in
some manner or another. I believe
it comes down to how our childhood

Our calling or purpose especially
being mentor is to help others 
with their fears. This can help
with our own fears. 

There are many people pay out
lots of money to professionals
to help them with their fears.
I guess we could call ourselves
an amateur instead.

Being a mentor or our purpose is
to listen to others. This is what
the professionals do. We instead
give out of experience and our
gifts. This is where we can ask
for wisdom and discernment.
We are as good or maybe better
than those who have the degree.
We have the gifts more than
book knowledge.

Anyway let your gifts and purpose
to help those with fears. At the
same time we may become more
healthy overcoming ours too.

Friday, September 6, 2024

Wisdom and Discernment

Wisdom and  Discernment 
I have mentioned  both of these before
and I  am  sure I will  again a number
of times in the future. 
Our days now it is hard to distinguish 
between good  and evil. With the media 
and social  media it is real hard. They
each have prejudice. In fact, we all have
prejudice even if it is a little. 

Here in the presidential  election  in USA 
many people  will vote for the one they
feel  has more character  and maybe 
overlooking the values they have or
their part. My opinion there are those 
who overlook their party because of values.
I am not saying not to take values over
character  however I  believe the part that
looks to have better character than the 
other candidate on the other side and
that may  not be true. None of us are
perfect so people  can put on a good
face. In fact, those who killed a number 
of people  fooled many people  when they 
were caught.

This is where wisdom and Discernment
come in. We need to ask God for wisdom
to not be deceived and have discernment  
about the spirit behind it. We must pray
and medidate on such things. In the future
by those who seem to be Godly and have
good  character however they are from he'll.
Look back to Germany where Hitler deceived 
a whole nation and others to. He ended up
being a madman and we  may see others in 
the future.

I am not telling you who to vote for since it
your right and privilege. I  just want us to
see wide open and not to take the better
of two evils. You can still vote for someone 
you believe in even the odds are greatly they
won't  win. You did what  you  believe in 
and that is the best any of us can do. If you
to vote another way that is your choice
and honor.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Having Joy

It isn't always easy to have joy however
it our choice as well as love, hope, faith
and peace. 

Our purpose should include those
things. Having a smile will make 
others feel good and about themselves.

It doesn't mean every day we may not
feel like having joy though we might 
put on a smile. The more often we do
even under tough times will make us
believe good times are here.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


It is so important that we forgive
others. This is true of family and 

This applies to those who we 
may come into contact and don't
understand us and treats us rudely

Forgiveness is not let others get
off the hook for wronging us but
our peace of mind. What they may
have done may make us stronger.

Remember we spend time with 
imperfect people as we are. They
might not forgive us however it
will give us a clean conscience.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Being Trusting

It is important to being trusting.
This for our spouse specifically
however it works for others

If you are a mentor or being
mentored trust is very important.

Deception is happening so
much we have to trust. Those
who deceive say a lot about
trust. So if you meet someone
or chatting online with a person
without really know them they
repeat about trust over and over
again. They will become angry 
when you tell them that you have
to meet. I know this with experience.

Trust does take time though in
some cases it takes faith to believe
someone. If you have a concern
find someone who knows them.
Another you must listen and have
discernment as well. Something 
that sounds too good to be true 
likely is. Again trust can be hard 
to detect.


Monday, September 2, 2024

Speaking and Listening

Speaking and listening go together.
I believe I mentioned  it before. 

I did a lot of speaking as a child 
however it is much better to listen
first before speaking. We can give
others so much more listening first.

We can speak what we have known
before however listening beforehand
helps out. Listening will give us new
things to share with others as well.
The new things will stay to help in
the future as well. 

It is much like when a new song
comes along that we hear it over
and over again. We can to say to
others do you remember this song
way back years ago.

Sometimes things we hear doesn't
always make sense. To speak it
we have to have the faith to do
so. It has happened to me before.
Amazing the words I said the person 
or more than one received it.

Don't be afraid to listen or to
speak what you have heard.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

A Day Off

It is always good to take off a day
on occasion.  I  am  talking  more 
than just not working and going to
church on Sunday.  Most people 
do other things  on Sunday as well. 

Most people wait for vacation  to 
relax. I  decided I  am going to
rest now for the day. I  have poor
circulation in my right leg. I figure
recovery  will help  by relaxing 
and having my feet.  

Relaxing  can mean thinking about 
things and receiving knowledge.
So take a day off. Whatever your 
plan was for  the  day it will still
be there.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️