An area of our life we need to
do more of the older we get
is physical fitness.
Depending how much time
you have in a day it is good
to get some exercise in every
Recommended is at least 20
minutes of walking. You can
do that around your neighborhood.
A good idea to do a little stretching
before you go out.
Another thing is to do some jumping
jacks or situps or push-ups. You
don't need to do the type you did
as a child. You don't have to spend
a lot of time on it. If you have some
weights and they don't have to be
heavy either do a few lifting of them
I know not everyone enjoys going
to the gym or have the time. So
doing so at home is ok.
Another part of health is eating. It
is recommended to eat the most
at breakfast and lunch. The reason
you use more energy during the
day and not so much in the evening
so have a light dinner. If you have
a good size meal at dinner time
then I recommend doing your
exercises in the evening.
I know a lot of people like adding
salt to your meal if it doesn’t have
a lot in it. I personally don't add
salt and I have learned to go without.
Also with salt don't eat out often
since most restaurants add a lot of
salt to their food. It is ok to take
some of the food home with you
too. You can eat it the next day or
even two. Recommend having a
salad in your meal out too. I would
stay away from soup since most
have a lot of salt in them even those
that indicate low sodium.
Want to have soup I would say make
your own and limit the salt. Another
thing to look at every food you buy
outside of fruit and vegetables on
the content. It will tell you how many
calories as well as sodium and sugar.
You have to be careful since it will be
by serving. For example, bread is listed
by each piece. Most don't have a lot of
sodium however I look for seven to ten
percent. That is out of the daily requirement.
One last thing if you are a few pounds
overweight or excessive I would look
at your legs. If they look a bit swollen
means you need to cut down your sodium
for sure. It means that you have fluids
being caused by sodium stored inside.
With less sodium you could easily lose
15 pounds in ten days to three weeks.
Another is to drink more water and fruit
or vegetables. I try to have fruit in the
afternoon or evening or both.
My trouble is I store fluid very easily so
I have to take medication as well. I would
start with water first and less salt to see
how it goes. I hope you enjoy these tips.