Sunday, June 30, 2024

A Protector

When it comes to our purpose we
are given gifts and talents. Each 
are used for a function.

Yes we all have many functions or
another way we where many hats. 
In the Christian church there are 
those are others who are overseers.
We know them as pastors, ministers
or priests.

Churches  have a group of elders
and deacons or a board to help
the pastors out. There are other
offices as apostles,  prophets
and teachers. They all have a place 
though the pastor, minister and priest 
are more recognized.

In the world  or community most of
us have a function of a mentor which
is like a pastor. We might not recognize
ourselves  as a mentor however most
of us function that way and we have
a mentor too.

If you are a parent then you are a
mentor to your children and their
friends too. 

A pastor or mentor are protectors
of their flock or those they mentor.
We all go through  things we need 
protection  from.  Although I  don't 
consider myself  a  pastor or a mentor
I am a protector for others. I  am  there
when they go through  the storms of 

It is an honor for all of us to be protectors
at times. A protector or mentor is just
a couple of the functions  we have. The
gifts especially  are used to help others.
Amen!  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Coming Up

Here we are the last weekend  of June. 
It is really  hard to believe it. Saturday 
afternoon going to a church retreat. 
Really  not sure what it is about however 
I  do hope it is about everyone  discovering 
what their life purpose or more of what
is already  going on.

July 4th  is our  national  holiday  celebrating
independence from Great Britain here in USA. 
I go to a family  reunion  that day. None of
my immediate  family  be there although I 
will have a visit from my brother at the end of
the month. Most attending will be second
cousins.  I  usually only see them once a
year. We have a potluck lunch and play a
softball  game. The field isn't  very  good. 
Maybe they made some improvements.

Before then there is Canada Day on July 1.
I wish you all a great day. My mother was
born and raised  in Alberta. My sister lives
in Quebec  and is a Canadian citizen. I have
Canadian  cousins too. So they are like a
second country for me.

Here in the Pacific Northwest  July has the
best weather than any month of the year.
Very little rain and it does happen it will be
the first week. A great place to visit if you
are looking for a vacation spot.

May your July be a blessing  and beneficial.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Having Peace

I have been  seeing  on  social media 
about having peace. Yes the world 
needs peace. It begins with us first. 

Jesus Christ  is  the prince of peace.
It begins with us accepting him as
our savior. Having him as  our savior
we will  have peace like never before.
It doesn't  mean  we won't  go through
things however our life will be much
better and we will  feel  like we have 
never before.

Peace begins at home as well.  I went 
through  a lot especially  as a young
child. Having a family  who supported
me and having peace as well. Of course 
we had times like most families once
in a while  I  still  felt the security and
peace. I  know not all families are not
that way.

So the world will  have  some peace
with it beginning at home and having
peace of God.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, June 27, 2024


Ambition should make an important 
part of our purpose.  How far we 
go with ambition is the question. 

Our purpose  will be fulfilled  if we
believe in it and we spend time 
doing so. This is where ambition
comes in which we do our very best. 

Ambition  could have some negative 
traits where someone may try so hard
it could be like a drug and hurt our
mental health.  This is why we should
be careful in using ambition.

We should look at our family history. 
If there is some use of ambition that
didn't  turn out well we should be very
careful. Also our personality may give
us an idea as well. If we feel a drive 
to do anything than ambition is already 
a part of us. This doesn't  mean we can't 
use ambition in our favor we must be

May you be  blessed today and your
purpose thrive in the manor it should 


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Wait Then Go

Often it is a good  idea to wait 
before  going.

What I  mean is we don't  have 
the answers in what to do.

Waiting  is to pray and meditate
until you receive  the answer to
your question.

This could take some time  or
given quickly. Either way we 
should wait. The trouble is 
we could get into trouble if
we don't  wait.   


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Setting A Good Example

There is different  ways here to set a
good example or treat people  the 
way you would like to be treated.

Along with  this others know you
on how you act. They will know
you without saying  a word. 

Those who know me say I  know
a lot of people.  It is my interactions 
with others. I  am sure you know
me just by my writing. 

I find young people  treat me with
respect. I  am  sure it has to  with
my age however I  treat them goes
a long way.

I am sure most people  we spend
time with are those that we feel 
comfortable  with and have many 
of the same.

I have a dentency to spend time
with all types of people.  A major
of others say I know everyone. 
That isn't  true of course however 
I  treat everyone  like I do.

 I figure this is my purpose and
took me a while  to  get  here
as well.  The hardest is respecting
those  who  are  different than us
especially  if  they have different 
values. It still comes down to treat
them right. There are times to tell
them the truth however times not

I hope this helps you out as well.
Main thing  is being friends right
here. May peace be with you.

Monday, June 24, 2024


When we discover we have a purpose 
to our lives we have to decide  what 
that looks like. In a way it is like 
starting  a business and how will
get customers  or clients. 

At the beginning we have family, 
friends and acquaintances to 
build our purpose.  In fact they
were in our purpose  before we
even knew we had one.

Our purpose includes family, work,
hobbies  and  whatever else spend
time doing. We go to the gym they
are part of your purpose or library 
or grocery store or the great outdoors. 
These would be acquaintances who
may turn into friends.

Our strategy  would be over time
what our purpose be with all these
people.  We have to make plans
on how it all works. 

With your children you and your
spouse  have to  plan on where 
they go to school whether public,
private or home school. The one
decide on how it will too. All our
areas of purpose  have to go the
same way.

I have discovered more to my life 
purpose  over the last couple years
so I  am  in the planning period 
though already  working  it out.
I hope over several  months the
majority planning will be completed.

Like me you may have added to your
purpose as well.  Like a business
you may have new customers or 
clients  too or you are planning on 
how things are different too. A
business can change on how the
world looks at it. You plan changes
to bring the new customers  in or
retain the old ones. We have to see
how the world changes and how 
relevant we are.

I hope this helps and how your purpose 
goes along.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Function Of Our Purpose

We all have heard or at least most
of us our  brain is like a computer. 
I  know I think so much it drives me
crazy  sometimes.  

We are all unique so our brains might 
work different as well  although don't 
take my word  for it. Lol

Our function of our purpose begins
with our gifts and talents . Let you 
know what I  share here is I come up 
with right now. I  know I have shared 
plenty already before.

Our first function should rely on God.
Ask him what his desire is for us to
do today. Who are the people  we are 
going to reach or be ready for. 

Today I  will be going to church so I 
need to be ready to serve those who 
are there. Also be ready to  be served
by them. Though serving others be
in our purpose  they are here for the 

Our gifts and talents are ready to be
in service as well.  What gifts we use
will depend on the day and the people.

Our number one function  is to serve 
God and to please him. Function  two 
and all after that is to serve others.

Serving others begins with  our family. 
We should never neglect them for our
purpose with everyone else. They should 
be included in our service.

Friends, coworkers and those we spend
the most time would be the next group 
we have our purpose for. Everyone else
be after them. They likely  those we meet
on the street,  going to grocery store, 
coffee shop, doctor appointments and
every other places we spend time.

You  are a parent a function  your purpose 
is to raise your children up and never neglect
them for what you may consider your higher
calling.  It doesn't  mean  that  you  are  with
them at all times they know your love. There
could be someone  really need your assistance.
Your spouse and children know even then they
are the most important ones in your life.

Your parents if they are alive and you are an
adult they would be the next ones to be in
contact with even if you live a distance away. 
This is really  important especially if they
are elderly and their health  is failing. I  know
your parents are praying for you so a good
idea to do the same. Other relatives like aunts,
uncles, nephews, nieces and cousins to should
be in your inner circle. This includes  those you
may not spend a lot of time with.

These are a good functions of your purpose.
I  would say keep us busy for a lot of the
time. We do need good rest to be ready at all
times. Continued many blessings to you and
your family.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Having and Making Plans

As summer  begins  here in Western Washington 
I have plans already  made as I  am sure others 
do as well.

Here we had a wet April  and  May along  with
the beginning  of June. This week we have 
gotten  some summer  weather.  July is
always the  best month in the weather department. 

For visitors  July is the month to come here.
I  begin on July  4th  going to annual  family 
reunion luncheon  and  softball game up north
in Bellingham.  For those who don't  know 
Bellingham  is only a few miles from the Canadian 
border to British Columbia.

This reunion will  be  made up my second cousins 
families with children and grandchildren.  We meet 
at a local park near a lake. It is about two and a half 
hour drive for me. I  always  make at least one
stop on the way at a rest area for a few minutes.

My brother  Jack will be visiting  for a few days 
at the end of July coming from Virginia. He has
a high school  reunion included. My usual things
going on the rest of July.

No plans yet for August however  early September 
I will be going to British  Columbia  to visit a couple 
of my first cousins  who live there. I  will miss out
one so I  will have to make plans with him next year.

Christmas  time Iplan to visit my sister and family 
back in eastern Canada for at least a couple weeks.
I am looking to make other plans for travel in 2025.
Where I go will depend on the cost as well.

So as you are living out your purpose  I wish the
best in your plans as well. The most important is
having and being healthy. Amen!


Friday, June 21, 2024

Having A Positive Mind

It is so important to have a
positive mind. Taking every
word that is negative captive.

This is how others will be
influenced by our life. Jesus
Christ said we must love 
others as we love ourselves. 
So this means to me we have
to love ourselves and a
positive mind leads this 

This is a subject that could
be taught or talked about
over a lot. This is something
to discuss in a group or
mentoring someone.

May you be blessed today
and have a positive mind.
Amen!   ♥♥♥♥♥

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Joy Comes

We all should have joy. Waking
up in the morning  should bring
us joy. 

Joy is more than feelings. We
can't  depend on our feelings 
however we can on true joy.

Our purpose  is a source of
joy. We are doing what we
we were created  to  do.

We should never let circumstances 
steal the joy in our hearts.  Having
hope with joy will help us lead
a good and wonderful  life.

We don't  always have to say
things to others. Our life will
show what  we are like. 

We are not going to be happy
every single minute  of the
day however this doesn't mean
we can't  have joy always.

May you have a joyful day
with peace and happiness. 


Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Not Settling For Less

As we continue  our  life  of purpose 
we should never settle  for less but
for the best.

We should have high standards  in 
every part of our life. We should
be realistic  in what that means too.

It goes from raising children to our
conduct with others. Single  your
stnard for a mate should be high
though realistic  as well. You should
write down what you  would like in
mate and stay within  that area.

Encourage  others  in the  same as
well.  These are your friends and those
who we mentor or disciple. Most of
all let your yes be yes and no be no.

Be pleased with your life and be
blessed today and evermore.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

A Freshness

Sometimes  our purpose can change.
It can deal with circumstances  or 
the location we live. 

We have new job or we move because 
of the job. We might move for our
spouse and their new job.

These days many are still working
remotely so makes moving much

This would give a new freshness
to our life purpose.  As humans
our purpose can become stale 
like anything else.

God wants us have a freshness
in our relationship with him as
well as our purpose. Besides 
anew location God may give
us new talents  to what we

Not only should our purpose 
feel fresh we may have to
slow down in the process.
Those who are not into
vacation  may look at doing
so. A short break can bring
a freshness along with a
new perspective. 

Another thing to think about.
Our lives should be exciting 
and not feel we are doing
so for loyalty only.


Monday, June 17, 2024

Men Have Responsibility

Father's day made me think about
the responsibility men have for
their families.

It is a major  part of our life purpose.
I believe most men take responsibility
very seriously. 

Some cultures and races you find
men not take the responsibility
very well they neglect their families.

Yes there are women that don't treat
their men very well however it comes
down to our choice. 

Real men are those who are responsible
including raising their children. It is
important to look on and take care
of those who do not have a father
around. Not only be a mentor for
young boys but for girls to know
what a true father is like.

I applaud men who do a good job
with their families and are mentors
to those who are part of a single
family. Not all single families are
led by women there some by men
too. Regardless of the single family
who is in charge is for us to help
out.   ♥♥♥♥♥

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Having Great Friendships

Having friends that are close 
is a good thing for our life
purpose. It is good for them
as well.  Being there for each
other through thick and thin.

Your spouse or the person you
have intention to be with should
be your very best friend. Again
you have someone there through
thick and thin.

Even a close friend you go through
things sometimes not agreeing
on some things. It is important
regardless of some disagreements
that each other are there for both.

Sunday is father's day. It is important
to remember your father even if the
two of your were not on the best of
terms.  You are here because of
them. Blessing to all you father's.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

What Freedom Brings

Freedom  brings more than  responsibility.
It allows you to have joy, peace, happiness 
and faith.

We can choose to go traveling any time
we want as long planes are available if
we are  going  a distance.  We can travel 
by car , boat or railroad too.

We can choose to go to any church or
any place of worship. We can choose 
God himself  we desire too. Not that 
it may be difficult.  

With freedom others can choose to tell 
you what they feel as it stays within the 
law. They can throw  insults though they 
can't  physically hurt you without  going 
to prison if found guilty.

As I have mentioned we have freedom of
speech. Again this takes responsibility 
to say what you want. Though you can 
say anything  in reason consequences
can happen. We have freedom of having
a job of our choosing as long as someone 
wants to hire us. Though a business  can't 
choose to hire you for age, race or religion 
among other things they can hire someone 
else they feel  have better  education. Some 
jobs have many applicants so you might not
get the job for you age, race or religion but
it is hard to prove.

There are other things that come with freedom
like living our life purpose. We can explore our
minds to share what we feel with others.

May you be blessed  today and enjoy your weekend.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Freedom Means Responsibility

It might sound weird  however  freedom
does mean taking responsibility. 

I feel  blessed to  live in the United 
States where we have freedom.
Many people  in other countries 
don't  have  the opportunity.  Only
if you are someone.  

We should never take our freedom 
forgranted though I  have to say I 
am used to it. God has given us
freedom  to choose. 

The freedom  of  choice doesn't 
mean that you are off the hook
by making the wrong choices.
Those who make the wrong
choices will lose their freedom 
or even their life.

Again take your freedom for 
those who do seriously and

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Free Spirit

We can have a free spirit. Looking 
at this could mean several different 

A free spirit  can be someone 
who is rebellious.  With a teenager
this would be common and be
negative as well.  The parents
can find it difficult if this is the

A free spirit  could be someone 
could have a lot of joy and his
needs would not be important 
to him. He may not be understood 
by his peers or anyone else for 
that matter. I  am sure  some 
would tell him to find a job
or a career or go to college.
This most likely be someone 
recently  out of high school 
or could be anyone of us.

A free spirit  could be someone 
who has found his life purpose. 
He could be unconventional in
the way John the Baptist was.
This to could be someone who
decides to be a missionary.  He
could go to a foreign  country to
serve God though the country
he lives could use him too. This
person  could begin being a youth
pastor before becoming a pastor 
of a church.

I am sure there maybe other examples
of a free spirit.  Maybe  you  are  one
of them that his own way of going.
No I  am  not  keeping  women out
of this just using a male as an example.
We may even find more women as a
free spirit. She might find a job or a
career that will allow her to be a free

I think a free spirit  may not even be
age appropriate. When someone or
a couple may decide when retired 
they can go out and help the world.
This is a good time to be a free spirit. 
Many people can be touched and
helped by someone  is a free spirit. 

Would you be interested  in  being
a free spirit  in a positive  way. 
Think about and go if you feel
this way. It may have taken you
a while to go for it.


Making A Connection

I believe it is important that we
make connections.  The first 
time can be brief.

Most people who I consider 
friends I met on a brief connection. 
Over time we meet for longer
period of time depending how
much is available.

Yesterday  I  spoke with two
that are connection  was brief
at the gym initially. I  spoke 
with both longer this time.

They are both from foreign 
countries.  The first one I
knew the first time we spoke. 
The second I found out yesterday. 

Some times it takes to find  out 
their name. The first one I asked
during the connection while the
second it was yesterday.  This 
means trust and being convertible.

The first one has been here for
two years and plans to be here
for another year. It is possible 
she will return  to her country.
She told me this yesterday. The
other one I  will ask next  time.
She is in my exercise class. I 
will probably  see her Thursday 
or Friday as she is working 

Along with making a connection 
it is good to show a first good
impression. I  have been  told
that for job interviews however 
it works for connections too.
Some people  though take time
to feel comfortable  with  you.

Make a connection  today and 
encourage  someone  too. This
could be the same person.


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

What Should Be Included In Our Purpose

For those who are working
on their life purpose along
with everyone else encour-
aging others is a good start.

The state of the world today
giving hope and love begins
with encouraging them. Covid-
19 put fear into a lot of people
and for many they are still

Those who are out a lot may
not realize there are those who
stay home still and some still
wearing masks.  It maybe hard
to.tell since some may have
caught the virus or someone
has the flu or cold and they 
have to be out. 

The importance is not to judge
others let them know that you
care and love them.

We all have gifts and talents
along with our personality.
They are our tools to encourage
and make the world a better
place.   ♥♥♥♥

Monday, June 10, 2024

Finding Our Purpose

The big question  is what am I 
doing here. What is the meaning 
of life and what is my purpose.

We all have gone through  this 
even if we have parents  who
have told us.

First thing God knew us before
we were created, formed us
and we were conceived. Isn't 
this an amazing thought.  Those
who are pro-choice don't understand 
this concept or don't care although
God does.

Not only did God know us before
the idea our parents knew they
wanted children or even before 
they were born. God loved our
parents and us before our time.

This is the major play in our purpose. 
We may even take years to understand.
I  am  sure Satan didn't  know who we
are until at least being conceived. I  am 
sure he has ideas how to mess with
our lives. He wants to confuse us about
our purpose.  He doesn't  want  us  to 
achieve our purpose. 

God has given us free choice so our
purpose  may never aline or may take
time to be realized.  The thing about
our purpose  can and will change over
time. We are very blessed we may find
purpose as a child. Everyone talks
about they want to do when they grow 
up. Some change their minds over
time while others do what they wanted
as a child. This is only a part of our
purpose. The time takes what the rest

Over our lifetime  our purpose  will
change and what we want to do.
We all have these milestones as
far as years go if we are able to
life that long. We have certain 
ages that have meaning. Those
are like when we start driving,
graduate from high school and
college. Also there is our first
real job and marriage.  Next is
the first child then more children 
if that is your desire and then
we go through their milestones 
as well. Depending  on your age
there will be grandchildren and

On Sunday  afternoon  I  went to
a funeral of a woman who died
a month after her 100th birthday.
Her minister  said throughout her
90s she wondered  why she is
still here and she was ready to
go. The answer  had to  be she
still had a a purpose.  She was
a mother, grandmother and great-
grandmother and they all needed
her in some degree and not mention
all the others who she touched in
all those years.  Her minister brought 
that up each year she wanted to know
why she is still here. Now that she
is gone doesn't  mean her purpose  
is not done since all the people who
are still here will have her in their
memories  and may ask at times
what would she do. 

I hope this helps  each of you are
discovering your purpose  or rediscover.
As I mentioned  before our purpose will
expand too. May you be be blessed 
today and all week long.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Enlarging Our Purpose

I have heard several  messages  about 
enlarging our purpose. It is so important 
not stand where we are at. It is like 
investing money.

Our purpose  should be to  help other
people to become better as well. For
some it is being a mentor or a good

Enlarging  are purpose  can be to have
more people to spend time with. It is
important  to  keep a core group as well.
A lot depends  on  the people we spend
time with. Some of these people our
purpose  helps them and others helps

Another enlarging our purpose is to
gain more talents. The more we use 
our current  talents in our purpose 
the more we gain. For some it may
to travel more. Travel  not only means
visiting  places you haven't been  before
but to have a purpose  with those you
meet. These people  might become long
time friends even if you see them now
and then in person.  You may text them
regularly and be on social  media.

I  hope to meet some of  of you in person 
that read this blog.  It  will take some money. 
It would be nice to get some money to
travel. Any amount of donation would be
appreciated.  You can't afford  or don't 
feel to do so is fine too. My purpose  is 
to encourage  as many as I  can. You
can go into the comments or send me
an email if you like with more communication 
or ideas for me to write. My address is 

Enjoy your weekend and may your purpose 
be enlarged.    ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The Battle Of Dieting

A major player in our battle is avoiding
the lusts  of the flesh as spoken in 
Galatians 5:16. We have heard to not
be a lover of money. This doesn't mean
we can't have a lot of money it means
not to love it to control us. 

Most of us have addiction of some kind.
This is where we must decide to lay off
those addictions. I mentioned dieting in
the title since is a major player for most
of us.

Many people diet however it only last
for a while instead of a lifetime. Much
like being an alcoholic. We should have
someone to be accountable to. Also, 
having a journal where we can write
down our struggles with food or what
other desires of the flesh.

I am sure many don't feel as though 
they are in a battle with the flesh
since is a normal part of their daily
living however it is true. Most who
die young is for these reasons.

To be able to eat healthy is to lay
off some foods and to eat smaller
portions. Between meals is to have
fruit or drink water. I have to watch
eating foods with a lot of salt in
them. I buy foods with small amount
of salt. I have done it for a lot of years
now that having little salt doesn't 
bother me. 

Besides eating smaller portions it
is a good idea to miss a meal once
in a while. Which one depends on
you. Not easy since you miss a meal
the next time you may eat more. Not
always bad especially if you don't 
eat as much as two combined meals.

I would suggest skipping dinner as
the one you miss. The major reason
is most of us don't have as much
physical exercise after dinner. If
you are one that likes to have a
snack before bed it would be a
good idea to stop that. It may not 
be easy so have smaller portion
or begin missing once a week if
you do so every evening. 

Like every battle we are in is to
go to God for our assistance.
I wish you the very best and
remember I am in the battle too.


Friday, June 7, 2024

Dealing With Frustrations

When it comes to the spiritual battle
a big one is frustrations. 

This can be setting up a new account
on line or adding an additional verification.
It seems like it should only take five 
minutes. If it is getting to 20 minutes
or longer I suggest a time out. I know
this by experience. Frustration can make
it go even longer.

There are other frustrations like trying
to a companies customer service. Best
idea press zero. Sometimes you maybe
on hold for a while. The best thing is to
have your speaker on and do other things
while waiting or call back later.

The biggest and most awful is being in
heavy traffic. That can happen during 
rush hour or a holiday weekend coming 
up. I amazed is some people don't work
on Friday however later in the day is 
rush hour still. The thing is if you are
going out of town leave earlier. Can't
do that relax and breathe. Aldo you 
can pray that the circumstance changes
or help make it through.

The worst traffic is when there is an
accident or a vehicle broken down. 
There is not much we can do then
unless can take the next exit. The
best thing which we often forget
is to check the traffic report and
take another route. I knew about
twenty routes going home. The
trouble was when several didn't
work and knowing the others won't
either. That is when you knew it 
was really bad and you couldn't
do anything about it.

So enjoy your day and the battle
of frustration comes take a big
breathe, relax and if you can get
back to it later.  Life isn't worth
more unwanted time.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Pressing On No.Matter What

We must continue to press on.
It doesn't matter the circumstances
look like.

The battle might be fierce and
we may feel like giving up however
the reward comes at the end.

In Psalm 23 King David begins with
saying the Lord is my shepherd so
I lack nothing. In verse four he says
though I walk through the Valley of
Death I will fear no evil for the Lord 
is with me.  What a wonderful way
to see life.

Whenever you feel like giving up
press on and don't let the voices
in your head have the last word.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Using Faith In The Battle

I have mentioned that the battle is
in the mind and ways we can help
in the midst of it. 

When things really get difficult whether
naturally or spiritually it is so important 
to have faith. It doesn't mean you will
be happy going through some hard 
times. It might even mean that we may
wonder whether God is with us or not.

Faith means to believe what is not
seen. It can be what we are used to
from God isn't there either. Not saying
it will be easy and we might even be
mad going through what we are. We
might feel better by screaming.

The days ahead won't be easier 
either as well. There will be those
who will hate us for our faith. We
have to stand for what we believe
in no matter the cost.

I have been told in several occasions
over the years I will stand with those
who are going through persecution 
so I will be with you as well as God.

May your day be full have blessing.
Amen!   ❤❤❤❤

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Heath and Battle Part 2

When walking and running
a good idea is too speak 
with another for encourgament
while doing so.

When you are by yourself a
good idea is to listen to worship
or any positive music. Also
listen to hear God's voice, pray
or meditation. 

This is a way to fight off depression
and be in the battle. The possibility
is you will be in the midst of the
battle always. We are stronger than
we know.

When doubt and fear comes go
to a friend and to God too. 

Spend time as much as possible
even when exercizing which
means you are at the best possible

There are those who mediate but
not sure what it looks like. Again
the best is to seek after God even
with lack of belief. You might
be surprised. Your life can make
a change.  Let love go forward
during the battle. Amen!


Monday, June 3, 2024

Spring To Turn Sunny

Here in Western Washington we  have  had 
a lot of rain during the spring.  April  and 
May were a lot.

June has started with rain Saturday and
go through  Tuesday.  The good  news
Wednesday  through next weekend  we
will have sun and summer type temperatures. 

The amount of  rain we have had over two
months and  a little  sun can make some
people depressed. Having a life purpose 
certainly  helps and knowing the weather 
will change soon. It is important  to be
encouraging to those who feel  depressed.

May you have  a  good  week and may you
have the sun inside besides the outside.


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Health and the Battle

Continuing this series walking or 
running is not only a good thing
to do to keep our health and to 
fight the battle we are in.

Not only do I take fitness class 
several days a week I walk most
days a week.

Walking is not only healthy exercise
it is a good way to take care of the