The big question is what am I
doing here. What is the meaning
of life and what is my purpose.
We all have gone through this
even if we have parents who
have told us.
First thing God knew us before
we were created, formed us
and we were conceived. Isn't
this an amazing thought. Those
who are pro-choice don't understand
this concept or don't care although
God does.
Not only did God know us before
the idea our parents knew they
wanted children or even before
they were born. God loved our
parents and us before our time.
This is the major play in our purpose.
We may even take years to understand.
I am sure Satan didn't know who we
are until at least being conceived. I am
sure he has ideas how to mess with
our lives. He wants to confuse us about
our purpose. He doesn't want us to
achieve our purpose.
God has given us free choice so our
purpose may never aline or may take
time to be realized. The thing about
our purpose can and will change over
time. We are very blessed we may find
purpose as a child. Everyone talks
about they want to do when they grow
up. Some change their minds over
time while others do what they wanted
as a child. This is only a part of our
purpose. The time takes what the rest
Over our lifetime our purpose will
change and what we want to do.
We all have these milestones as
far as years go if we are able to
life that long. We have certain
ages that have meaning. Those
are like when we start driving,
graduate from high school and
college. Also there is our first
real job and marriage. Next is
the first child then more children
if that is your desire and then
we go through their milestones
as well. Depending on your age
there will be grandchildren and
On Sunday afternoon I went to
a funeral of a woman who died
a month after her 100th birthday.
Her minister said throughout her
90s she wondered why she is
still here and she was ready to
go. The answer had to be she
still had a a purpose. She was
a mother, grandmother and great-
grandmother and they all needed
her in some degree and not mention
all the others who she touched in
all those years. Her minister brought
that up each year she wanted to know
why she is still here. Now that she
is gone doesn't mean her purpose
is not done since all the people who
are still here will have her in their
memories and may ask at times
what would she do.
I hope this helps each of you are
discovering your purpose or rediscover.
As I mentioned before our purpose will
expand too. May you be be blessed
today and all week long.