Thursday, December 31, 2020

Happy New Year's Eve

Here we are ready to go into 2021. I am
sure we will have new things to deal with
in the coming year.

Our purpose should encourage others about
having a positive attitude in 2021. We to
must realize God gives us free will to act
as we will. The question is will we act on
it or let him be in charge.

We must recognize he knows the best for 
us. God has been around for a lot longer 
than we have. He new us way before we
were born. In fact, way before the world
was created. Isn't that an awesome thing
to think about. God knows us enough to
know what we go through and how we 
will react. The question will we allow him
to help us.

This is a good way to go out in 2020 and 
into 2021. If we learn anything over the
next year God has our back and he knows
us a lot better than anyone. Amen!

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


It is natural I believe anyway to reflect on
this year heading into 2021.

We all know the big story is the Pandemic.
It has changed the lives for most everyone.

Of course, the loss of my mother is the
big story for me. I am sure the same goes
for those who have lost love ones this year
whether it has to do with covid-19 or not.

We have had to adjust to a new way of life
for the time being. Those who have lost
loved ones haven't been able to celebrate
for the most part their lives. Can't visit sick
people in the hospital regardless why they
are there.

Having to wear a mask when grocery shop
or visiting a doctor is a new normal for sure.

Now we have reflected we go to the next
chapter 2021. The unfortunate thing is we
will start the beginning of the new chapter
the way the last one ends. We just hope it
doesn't last long. Hopefully after several
pages we can get back to where things were.

May God bless you right now. May his face
shine upon you. May your relationship with
God becomes stronger. Amen!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Looking Ahead

God has created us for a purpose. Often
we have to learn from our mistakes well
as our success.

God created us to worship him and for 
him to love him as much as he loves us.

In the old testament the book of Esther 
we find her becoming queen she was
born for the time for her people the Jews.

We are born and living in this time for
this time. What that is be different for
each of us. For parents the major purpose
can be to raise up children who will follow
after God.

There are other reasons we were created 
for. We can explore those reasons. We
are here for the sake of others besides

Take the next few days to think about 
what your purpose will look like in 2021.
This year has been unusual as we know.

We know this new year will start off most
likely the same fashion as 2020 ends. The
importance is to make the best of what we
can. Amen!

Monday, December 28, 2020

Does Some Times Happen

I know it happens more frequently to others
than to me where I have trouble sleeping.

Last night I had trouble sleeping because
my nose was blocked. 

So what I did was just wait to see whether
God had something to say. I thought he
may want my attention. Also, a good time
to pray.

Actually I am not sure whether I really got
a message from God or not. I feel waiting 
on God at whatever time of the day is a 
good thing.

Primarily I want to feel the love of God.
Some of the day I don't feel love so just
sitting there doing nothing on my own
is a good time to have his presence come
on me and feel the love.

God doesn't have to do a big thing just
loving me is good. I have to admit I don't
do that enough. A good thing to do more
often in 2021. Amen!

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Tell It like it is

These days a lot of people don't care
about telling like it is.

I am one of those who don't mind saying
how I feel. I am not going to put people
down because they don't agree with what
I have to say. 

This year so many people on social media
will drop others if you don't agree with their
opinion or who you voted for. It happens no
matter the side.

Right now we still have the right of free 
speech in the United States though it does
feel like it won't be around long. Social media
is where it is happening so far and may go 
other places as well.

If you are someone who is willing to stand up
for what you believe in I say continue it. You
may lose family or friends however your word
makes you who you are.

I may disagree with what you have to say but I
do give you the right to say it. 

I am one to give encourage to others, however,
it won't change what I feel as well. 

The world coming out where good is no longer 
good but evil. Also, evil is becoming good to
as well, I don't care who is in charge but I will
stand up for what is good anyway.

Let 2021 be the year we bring back truth regardless
what others believe.  Until next time continue enjoying
life the best you can. Amen!

Friday, December 25, 2020

Boxing Day

 I hope everyone was blessed on Christmas Day.

Now for those in England, Canada, Australia,
and New Zealand you celebrate Boxing Day.
I sure hope I didn't miss a country.

Many years Mom had celebration at home
having visitors for Boxing Day. Usually 
there were four or five couples over. Every
year the people were different. Not often
would she have the same people joining in.

I guess you could say she made it special
since who she invited was not used to what
she was celebrating which made it even better.

Mom was raised in Canada so she made
Boxing Day very special. It was her favorite
holiday to bring visitors over.

I miss you mom this was the first one without
her. I know there will be many more as well.
She was a special lady. Those who met her
liked her. She had stories to tell as well. She
would tell poems from many years ago.

So I salute Boxing Day to you Mom. You
kept it alive for so many years. 

Merry Christmas

First of all wish everyone a Merry Christmas
here at life Purpose. The day has finally arrived.
May you and your best have a great day.

We celebrate the day God brought his son 
Jesus Christ into the World. It was quite the
celebration that day with angels and shepherds.

I am sure most didn't know what God had in
mind for his Son to do in the long run. We are
here because of his birth then later his death
followed by his resurrection.  

When Christ was born I am sure Satan was
not a happy camper then he rejoiced at his
death then cringed at his resurrection. 

Enjoy this great celebrating of Christ birth.

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Hello Christmas Eve

Can you imagine what Christmas Eve was like
over two thousand years ago. The shepherds 
anticipating the birthday of the Christ child. 
They had just been visited by angels as well.

Something we should really think about every
 year at this time or possibly everyday as well. 
Our lives would be changed.

I know some people celebrate Christmas on this
 day. This often happens when you have more 
than one family to celebrate with. You have your 
parents and those of your spouse. Whatever the 
case enjoy it very much. Rejoice and be glad. Amen!

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Two Days Before Christmas

I hope everyone is ready for Christmas.
We have two days before that great day.

You want to read the story of Christ birth.
Go to Luke chapter 2  verses 1 thru 20.

It is such a wonderful story to read. Often
children pageants at church use this story.

I would encourage you to read this to your
children or your grandchildren.

I will be going to church on Christmas Eve.
I know many churches are still not meeting
in person, however, you should be able to
find one on line. 

Until next time, Merry Christmas to you. 

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Giving Away

In the spirit of Christmas I figure we get
a present we don't really want to keep a
good idea would be to give it away.

I know often people will exchange gifts
but maybe this time give it to someone
in need. Of course, it would depend in
what the gift is as well. You wouldn't 
want someone even in need to have 
something you don't want either,

I remember as a child my Aunt Marian
would always send clothes for my brothers
and I. Aunt Marian didn't know what size
we were. Usually the size of clothes were
the same as our ages.

Whatever present was for older brother 
went to my younger brother. My mom 
would exchange my gift and my younger
brothers for me and my older brother.
This happened for a long time.

I believe we were in high school when
Aunt Marian decided to give us other 
gifts that had nothing to do with clothes.
Mom was relieved she didn't have to go
exchange gifts any longer.

I always liked my gift from Aunt Marian
though I could never wear it and the thing
is mom could never get the same clothes
in return though she tried real hard.

Anyway my suggestion give away at least
one gift. I am sure you will feel good about
it. Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Tis the Season

Here we are down to four days until
Christmas. I hope you are all set to
go and celebrate.

Whatever your life purpose besides
worshiping God which is the number
one reason we are here in the first
place this is the week to use it.

Don't forget to be jolly along the way
as well. This can be the time of the 
year where people not so jolly. We
can give hope and love to everyone.

Whether you meet someone at the 
grocery store, Christmas shopping
or coffee shop give them a big smile.
Make sure you say Merry Christmas

Enjoy this great week of the year.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Waiting In Line

We are required to wait in line outside
if grocery stores and other alike. Capacity
can only be at 25% of the stores maximum.

Saturday was only second time I have had
to wait outside. I guess you could say during
the week people don't shop as often or I
am not there when they do.

Saturday I only had to wait for about five 
minutes. It was a little cold outside but not
bad. We were undercover so didn't have to
worry about the rain either.

I didn't mind so much because I was able to
talk with the couple behind me for the short
period of time. Usually most people I talk to
is for that long anyway.  I figured it is a good
way to get know people even though may
never meet again.

The coupe went two different ways to pick up
groceries faster I imagined. I was able to talk
to both as I ended up by both of them for a
minute. He was buying beer while she was
in the wine section. I am not sure what wine
she bought if she did at all.

She preferred the wine section because it isn't
cold like the beer section. I was in the beer
section to buy water and I went through the
wine section to get to another area of the store

I always have a positive approach when talking
with people. I use my talent of humor to help
me out. I know people for the most part appreciate
it. I try in check out line, however, it is harder 
during social distancing.

As you know been on here for a while I figure
meeting with people and chatting as often as
I can it is part of my life purpose. I do know 
some people just want to get and get out. I 
find that more of guys than gals. 

Not a whole lot you can do though if you are
waiting in line outside though. I will talk no
matter what usually. Anyway I hope this is
encouragement for you and enjoy the rest
of your weekend and Merry Christmas 

A Joyful Sound

When I was in high school I sang in the
school choir as well as the church choir.
This time of the year was joyful because
of all the Christmas songs we sang.

I remember having to sing in a lower
key because the notes were higher than
my voice could reach. 

I sang baritone for the most part but
some of the songs I had to go to bass.

This reminds me we are created to
worship God. He created us for a 
purpose and the number one purpose
is to worship him.

When it comes to worship we think
of music for the most part which makes
sense, however, our every day life we
worship him by giving ourselves to 
others. Being selfless gives worship
to God.

As we get ready to take part in Christmas
we should remember the story of Christ
birth and rejoice in it. Amen!

Friday, December 18, 2020

December 18

The significance of December 18th is one
week before Christmas. For some it might
be their birthday and others waiting for
their birthday to arrive.

We know likely Jesus Christ was not born
on December 25. We can see a week before
Christ birthday the wisemen or the three 
Kings were coming to give presents to the
baby Jesus. There was something significant
there too. 

Those men whoever they were came to find
the Christ child. They knew the work was 
going to change for the birth of this child.
These men were right Jesus Christ changed
the world forever. Our lives has changed.

Enjoy this week as the celebration of Jesus
Christ. Amen!

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Count Down To Christmas

We know have eight days until Christmas.
What are your thoughts of doing eight things
before Christmas?

The obvious one is do more christmas shopping.
Also, there is shopping for christmas dinner.
Most years there is caroling but that might be
out this year.

Making Christmas cookies would be on the
agenda too. Have snow then can't forget a
good snow fight.

I am sure we can add more to the list. May
you be blessed for this season and remembering
our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Repeat

I decided today to repeat a post that I wrote one
year ago. Our lives certainly have changed over
the last year hasn't it.

Here goes. It isn't long so you can take your time
and meditate over it. Thanks and happy holidays.

When it comes to our life who is in charge. The
answer is God, however, often we put ourselves in
charge instead. A major reason our lives get messed
up from time to time.

If your life isn't going along so well right now think
about why it is happening The answer is you are not
letting God be in charge. What you do then give your 
life back to God. He will take you back no matter how
many times he has to. Amen!

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Hard to believe

I am sure we say it every year but it is
hard to believe we are just over two weeks
from January 2021.

I hope you have your plans all set for the
holidays well as 2021.

I am still working on my plans for 2021.
I am sure like everyone it has a lot to do
with getting the vaccine. No judgement 
on those who don't plan on getting the

We all have to do what we must.
At this time I am not sure whether I will
take the vaccine or not. A lot depends on
the side effects. 

So enjoy your time and I encourage you
to do what you can with all your heart.

Monday, December 14, 2020

All It Takes Is Kindness

Once again I was reminded how important
being kind is.

I saw on social media a friend said though
we have a difference of opinion we can still
be kind to one another. I have heard it in
sermons as well.

Most of us have strong opinions especially
on certain issues, however, we can be kind
as well. There are those who give their opinion
but don't allows others  to voice their own. This is
especially true if it is different than there's.

Our opinions do matter, however, so do those
of others as well. If we want our opinion to
really count or we are speaking out not caring
what others may think  being kind and respectful
will go along ways.

Though people have a right to their opinion
what makes me not go on social media as often
anymore they speak the exact same message over
and over again. I don't mind so if they do it once
a week but every day gets tiresome in my mind.
At the same time they turn others off as well

Though I say what I just said I am still going to
be kind to them. They have the right to speak 
their opinion day after day it is just I am not
going to read the opinion day after day.

Let's get along though we don't believe the 
same things. We will influence others by
being kind. 

Just a reminder. I hope to repeat again down
the road but it won't be next time. lol

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Life + purpose

I can say we can debate over what life
really means than the same goes for purpose.

I believe life is what God created. He created
animals and the human race. God created the
earth as well. So everything on earth is part of

I did a little search. I found that science and
philosophy is still debating on it.

I am sure you may ponder your purpose as
well. It can come down to your religion or
your culture what your purpose is. I believe
it comes to God. He gave us a purpose whether
we live to it can depend on free will. 

God has given us free will. He doesn't want us
to be puppets. Do exactly what he says to do.
We do what God asks because we love him
and we know he loves us.

In the end our purpose will match with our 
life as close as we want it too. Amen!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

You are promoted

A word of encouragement for you. Let you
know since you have a life of purpose granted
when you were born.

We all have gone through problems and 
circumstances that haven't allowed us to
fulfill our purpose to full measure. The
first step is know this true. The next step
is what you are going to do with your life

The encouragement is God has promoted you.
You may not realize or think it is too late by
what you have done. God doesn't care what 
you have done in the past except you acknowledge
it is true you have sinned and made mistakes.

Today God has promoted you to be exactly the 
person you were created to be. He will use you
in the way he intended at the beginning of time.
Isn't this exciting news. Go for it and you will
be blessed along with others you are in contact
with. Amen!

Friday, December 11, 2020

Let It Rain

Here in Western Washington we are
expecting a lot of rain through Christmas.

 January, March, October, November and
December when we most of our rain. These
five months it averages about five inches  per 
month. Also, it is 61 percent of our rainfall.

During the summer is our dry spell. June
through September we have five inches
total. September has half of that total. 
Usually takes place in the second half
of September. June has a little over an
inch of rain while July is very little and
August just under  an inch.

So that is my history lesson on rain here
in Western Washington. Want to travel
here the best time is July through the 
middle of September are the best odds.

As you can imagine we look forward to
the sun coming out whenever it can this
time of the year. 

On Thursday I was talking with my cousin
Christy on the phone who lives in the middle
of British Columbia. She told me they have
six inches of snow which is below their average.
It is old snow as well. We would consider six
inches of snow a lot here. 

Now that we are having rain for the next couple
of weeks or so I expect Christy lives they will
start having new snow.

It would be nice to have a White Christmas,
however, the odds are against it. I only remember
once when it snowed on Christmas. 

I do remember another time in 1974 where 
we had snow the day after Christmas. So to
have a white Christmas we have to go to the 
mountains or somewhere else. My dreams 
still is to have a White Christmas.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Throw Back Thursday

On social media every week many
look back to the past with throw back
Thursday whether it is with photos
or words.

I think of those right now who are
no longer with us at Christmas time.
These people are either family or 
close friends.

Wednesday nigh I talked to my
cousin Peggy on the phone. She
mentioned the past along with the
present and the future. 

Peggy's youngest grandson is a
senior in high school and he is 
looking into where he will go 
for college next year. His thoughts
are about the future while she is
thinking about the times in the past
well as present and future.

Her grandson is thinking about ROTC
at college. He is thinking of engineering
at the same time Peggy's husband was
pilot in the air force so he tells about
his experience flying so the grandson
might decide to go in that direction as

This year's Christmas will be different
for many of us for sure then it will be
in the past as well.

What never changes is what Christmas
stands for. There was a baby named Jesus
who God sent into the world to change it
for eternity. The question is what we do
with this child Jesus Christ. Do we accept
what he has done for us or live our lives
as though it doesn't matter at all. Something
to think about for sure.

Jesus Christ came into the world changed
our lives and purpose for eternity. We have
the choice to accept or not. Amen!

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

What is going on

When it comes to the Pandemic I
wonder what the USA government
is thinking.

I can understand we should be 
careful especially for the elderly.
Wear masks when out in public
for others than just for yourself.

I was looking at the stats. Under
2.5 percent of Americans are 
getting Covid-19 and those that
are under 1.5 are dying. Of course,
don't want anyone dying but it is
still a low number.

When it comes to the flu 3 to 11
per cent get the flu each year. 
On average 61000 die each year.
That is much lower than Covid-19.
The reason is we have a vaccine
for the Flu and not for Covid-19. 

Since the percentage is low for
Covid-19 why is government 
shutting down so many places
and putting in mandates. Until
we receive the vaccine be careful.
It is as simple as that. 

Many people want to get back
to being normal. Let those who
do be allowed. The others do
what you have been doing.

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Overcoming Fear

This year nothing greater has happened
then fear coming into our lives.

The mainstream media along with the
government wants us to be fearful. The
pandemic gave them a foothold to  do

Those who are elderly, sick and have
underlying conditions need to stay
home for a lot of the time. The rest 
of us be careful but not let fear come
into our lives.

Our life purpose right now has to 
encourage others they are Ok. If 
nothing else encourage one another
today as it is called today. Let fear
not rule your life. 

Monday, December 7, 2020

We Must Discover

First of all I hope you had a wonderful
weekend. When it comes to our life
purpose we can take a long time to
discover  what it is.

The major reason can take us a while
to discover our life purpose is we don't
know we were created for a purpose.

In other words our lives matter and we
are significant. We are not here by 

Those of us who have known for a while
what our life purpose the cares and 
disappointments of life  can keep us
from reaching our purpose.

The great thing though it is never too late.
Something we should know and remember.
See God knows  the beginning and the end.
Our story hasn't been completed. What we
have not achieved still can happen. Amen!

Sunday, December 6, 2020

How Life Is Demonstrated

How are life works out can often have to
do with whether we play sports or not.

Every culture has there way of playing sports
or lack of it for that matter. Also, the family
you live in can make a difference as well.

Does your parents value sports over education
or are they on equal terms or education more

My family education was important, however,
they allowed each of us to be ourselves. For 
me my identity was more into sports while my
older sister and brother were into reading. My
sister though did play the oboe and marched 
in the band. My older brother played some 
soccer but he wasn't really good at it. All
three of us boys played tennis. 

My younger brother and I played little league
baseball. He played football and wrestled 
in high school while I went out for basketball.

There are lessons we can learn from playing
sports well as going for a musical instrument.
Sports seem to be more competitive, however,
where you want to be set in band or an orchestra
can be so as well.

Apostle Paul mentioned it was important to 
finish the race. Our purpose should come down
to doing the very best we can. Not that we do
better than others but we do the best for ourselves.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

What We Should Do

 What we should learn from this year. 

There has been so much negative things
said whether it has to do with covid-19,
wearing a mask and the protesting going
on in the USA.

I know that I am repeating myself, however,
we should love and encourage one another.
Even with those we don't agree with.

Have a smile on our face when we chat with
others. A smile will show we care no matter
what we say.

Often there are those who know they are doing
something wrong  saying "don't judge me".
They say it too you. Don't return saying " no I
am not".  Say "I love you". They don't believe
you there isn't anymore you can do. Keep on
moving on.

Have the spirit of the Season. Let them know the
love of Christ even though they may not believe
it. Remember it is God's job to come to him. Your
job is to water. You can only do so much.

May you have a blessed and great Saturday. Amen!

Friday, December 4, 2020

Three Weeks and Counting

I wonder how many people realize Christmas
is three weeks away. I haven't started my shopping
yet. Actually I am not sure how much I will do

I expect most people this year will shop on line.
I will do  mine on line since I will have to ship
them out of state and country anyway. 

I know there are some who have been in the 
Christmas spirit for like three weeks. They have
been listening to Christmas songs. I will probably
begin next week. I would listen to Christmas songs
you sing at church. Though I like him how many
times do I want to hear Andy Williams.

While we count down these next three weeks let's
remember the meaning of Christmas. What Jesus
Christ means or should mean in our lives. How 
he changed the world when he was born and how
he changed our lives. 

Remember the next three weeks will go by fast so
start on shopping. Of course, I should take on my
own advice. Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Calming Down

Since the election things seem to have
calmed down. I don't watch much of the
news anymore these days.

I got tired of seeing the protests on tv
along with the virus and those complain
about wearing a mask.

I don't mind protests as long as there 
isn't damaging going on. Also, I was
tired of hearing about it everyday.

I know people have their own opinion
about the virus and whether the masks
work or not. I know to people are 
frustrated by it all too.

I don't check on social media as much
either. No one changes others opinion
anyway especially about politics. I
know it hasn't changed over the last
five years or so.

I go on social media to encourage others
like I do here. I guess this is part of social

I am sure people are getting ready for 
Christmas and all that goes with it although
this year won't be the same. 

I want you to go out and do things normal
as much as you can. I do try to stay as
normal of a life as I can. 

Peace with you. Again thanks for sharing
your time with me. Amen!

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Happy Holidays

Every year it seems we can't believe it
is December. We start getting ready
for Christmas.

Fall always goes by so fast. We have to
remember we have four seasons so they
are only three months long.

This year Christmas will be different
than any other year which we say about

Unless we have family at home or nearby
we likely won't be spending Christmas with
loved ones. We will have to do video chat

I just heard on television Britain is ready
to start giving out one of the vaccines going
out on the market. They are going to start 
with those in nursing homes then hospitals
workers and those over 80. The next group
75 and older. They will do every age group
down every five years.

This is good news to here. Everything goes
well 2021 will be back to normal sometime.
I am sure none of us will forget this year.

December it is important to remember what
truly this holiday season means. The birth
of Jesus Christ and what his arrival on earth
meant for all of us. Amen!

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Keep Speaking Out

In the United States we have the freedom of
speech, however, there are those trying to
stop us in doing so. 

There are groups who will stop anyone 
speaking out that does not agree with 
their agenda.

I believe it is still important to speak out
even when many will not listen. What is
right is now wrong and what is good is
now considered evil.

These days we might be a small group 
because many think we have hate behind
our words instead of truth.

Many won't listen to what people say
still important to speak what you believe
in. We will have  to be creative to say
words in a different manner meaning the
same things.

I don't go on social media as much as I
used to because of the repeating words
from both sides especially on politics. 

It is important to speak our voices because
if we stop we may never be able to speak