Here in the Pacific Northwest of United
States we are blessed to have four
seasons for the most part.
This year we are having a bit more
rain than normal during the spring
and the temperatures are lower
as well.
The last six years we had summer
like weather in May. Now we are
having rain like we did in April.
Even when it isn't raining it is
cloudy. I find it a b.essing when
the sun comes out even for a
few minutes.
This weather can affect us both
physically as well as our mental
health. For many still working to
get past covid-19 when we were
The government wants to control
our mental health. It is important
not to listen to them. It isn't just
us adults but with the children too.
God says we will be judged how
we treat children. The government
is going to be judged for how they
treat our children.
It is so important we are not isolated
from others. Going to the gym or out
for coffee or inviting others over is
so important. To encourage and lift
each other up. This isolated important
for those who are more natural to be
In the past I had trouble being in large
group settings. I am not so much
anymore. Those that do it is still important
for mental health to spend time with
others even in small groups. It doesn't
even have to be anymore than six people
in the group.
Here the weather can cause to be isolated.
We even have suicides happening because
of it. I belong in several small groups as
well as going to the gym. The gym not only
helps in physical being it does for the mental
Being in groups us to to use our gifts and
talents with other people as well. It isn't
like we can't spend some down time by
ourselves as well. Both are important.