Friday, May 31, 2024

Body and Mind

When we are in this battle the 
body comes with the mind.

We must make every  effort 
for our body to be in shape
to fight off what is going in

Recently  when I  had my
physical  exam I was asked
about dealing with depression 
and other mental health. I  told
the nurse  I sometimes  deal
with depression  however I 
don't  need medication. 

I do know  some people  use
or need medication however 
for me it is the battle I  have 
spoken about. It is the spiritual 
we fight. The medical 
professionals may not 
understand how this works. 
Some people  do need to 
visit a counselor  or a friend 
to speak what the mind is
saying in the battle.  We can
only make it with God's help 
though others can give us
help as a partner.  Amen!


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Battle In the Mind

The spiritual battle works in the
mind for the most part. Satan will 
tell us our weaknesses and how
bad we are including the sins we
have committed in our lives. How
terrible we must be.

It is the truth however Jesus Christ died
for all of our sins. It doesn't matter whether
past, present or future sins. When we confess our sins our lives change too.
We will sin.again and again.but it wasn't
like our sins of our past where we didn't
think or care about it. We didn't know God 
at that time.

Many of the other religions believe we 
have to make account for our sins. This
were the case than Jesus Christ didn't
have to die for us. They will tell you 
he was a good man and other things.

Test it out and see. Seek out God and
you will find him. He doesn't keep 
anyone back who earnestly see him.

So when you hear words of condemnation
this mean that you are in the battle. You
can win since Jesus Christ already has.


Wednesday, May 29, 2024

War Is Won However

We have already won the war though
the battle continues.

Our enemy knows our weak spots
so in the battle he will continue to
tell us those weaknesses and how
unworthy we are as well making us
think he is winning.

We just have to say no when he brings
us up our weaknesses  and that we 
agree with him although we won't
accept his words.

His purpose is to keep us distracted
from doing our mission. At some 
point he might decide to show that
he has cease fire like in Gaza however
he is getting ready to come after us
once again. We can't stand up to him 
but God can.

Most of the world doesn't even know
that they are at war. He deals with 
those who know. Stay steadfast and 
believe knowing who has won. Amen!



Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Receiving Wisdom

Wisdom is one of the spiritual 
gifts. We can ask for wisdom. 

In the Old Testament  God asked
King Solomon the son of King
David of Israel  whatever he
wanted. King Solomon answered
wisdom. God gave him wisdom 
as well  as riches which he didn't 
answer for. 

It isn't  that we may receive wealth
as well  though we could asking for
wisdom is a good thing. We can 
receive wisdom for our own situations 
or for others. 

Another word would be foolishness.
This is meant to be the opposite of
wisdom, however can think we have
wisdom in our own heart without out 
asking for it. There is a lot of that 
going around.


Monday, May 27, 2024

Remember Those Before Us

Here in the United States the last
Monday of May is a national holiday.
It is called Memorial Day.

Memorial Day was first observed on 
May 30, 1868. The purpose is to 
remember all those whose died in
war for the United States. Also for
those who fought in wars who are
now gone as well. Many observe
for their loved who have died as

I am going to stop on Monday at
the cemetery where my parents,
my grandparents on my father's
side and my older brother.

It is important for us to remember
family and friends who have died.
I remember them on their birthdays
as well. It is good to think of the
love for them. 

Enjoy your day and the thoughts
of those who were so dear to you.


Sunday, May 26, 2024

Have Open Mind

We all need to use an open mind
to speak with other people no
matter how different  they are 
from us.

This doesn't  mean that  we have 
to be best friends  or even spend
a lot of time with them.

Most people  need someone  to 
talk too. This might  even getting
off something they have wanted
for some time.  

Our purpose  might be to help
others who are in need. They
are especially  the ones for us
to have an open mind. This is
true for anyone we may mentor.

An open mind will  help us to
figure out what their true need.
The important  thing is to love
others even those whose are
so much different  than  ours.
They may need to have someone 
to get them on the right track.

I hope this helps you out and is
a good encouragement. If you
ever have something  to  add 
don't  hesitate to write in the
comment section. Enjoy this
day.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Being Consistent

We know each day is different and
has it's  own  challenges.  The
question  is  how  will  we handle
each day.

The answer is being as consistent 
as we can in our actions and

Often it will take take to learn
from our mistakes to behave
consistently. It would be great 
to act good and have joy each
and everyday no natter what 
comes our way.

Say we were angry yesterday 
what can we do not to be
today in a similar situation.
It would be good to look at
others and see where consistently 
happens in their lives.

Let's  make today the best we can
and try to duplicate tomorrow no
matter  what it looks like. Amen!

Friday, May 24, 2024

Our World View

The definition of world view is 
how we see the world through
our eyes.

We see the world through our
religion or faith. What we think
of other people. It usually begins
with what we were taught by our 

The older we get our world view
may change though a part we were
taught is still in there.

We may view young and older 
people in a certain way. Our
culture can be influence too.
Example is we may have been
raised that only those who work
have the most value. So we may
not have high value for children
or the elderly since neither work.

The truth though and some cultures
have high value for family from 
children through their great grand-
parents.  The children are the next
generation to do great things or
give hope to the family. The older
generation we can learn from their
experience and being wise. 

We don't see the value of the family
unit we must change our world view.
We each have a purpose no matter
how old we are.  


Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Seeing Old Friends Again

On Thursday having afternoon lunch
with school mates. Although I don't
see them often it is good to see those
that I grow up with. Has so much meaning 
for me.

I know not everyone wants to go back
to the past but it can be meaningful.
Even spending a few minutes catching 
up can make a difference. We don't
know how much time any of us have.

Our purpose should be to be with
as many people as possible. I am not
saying it is for everyone. I know some
people are not good for us however
spe ding a few minutes can change 
things. This is an encouragement
from me.  ♥♥♥♥

Speaking Up

We are living in a world where
evilis shown as good and good
is shown as evil. We can see the
mindset of many over the last 
20 years or longer. 

I know each person who comes 
on this site hss a purpose to 
speak up. In fact I believe many

We each have a place of influence.
Even those who are quiet even are
speaking even though they may not
realize it. My father was quiet however
when he did speak he had a lot to say
even in a few words.

I encourage you to continue what
you are doing even if the results 
don't seem right to you. Even those
to whom you speak are going to deaf 
ears. We all remember what our
parents told us even those things
we may have not seem to listen
at the time.

Your effort is being noticed by others.
You reach those who I don't. You have
a group of influence. Whether the group
is large or small does not matter. For
they have others they influence too.
Thank you so much.  ♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Going Out

It is so important we go out.
Our purpose is to go out and
reach others.

There is more to it than that.
Going out is important for us 
as well.

Not only can we give out to 
others we can receive from
them too.

In the gospels Jesus sent out
his disciples in pairs.  You can
enjoy each other as well as
each sharing with other people.

When the weather is good go
to a park.  Sitting on a bench
if available than you can see
other people. There you maybe
drawn to someone to talk to.

After a little while you can get
up and walk around. You may
have something to say. 

When you get home you can
think what went well with your
experience and what can improve
the next time you go out.

When you go out spend a minute or
two talking to someone else. During
the little time you may realize what
the may want. In fact you can ask
them if there is anything you can
do for them. 

Going in a pair others may feel more
comfortable talking with two. Also
if you meet another pair than you
can speak even greater. The important
thing is to ask them what you can
do for them. Everyone likes to talk
about themselves. This way you can
fing out if you have something in
common as well.

I hope this good tip for the day.
May your purpose and life be
blessed today and those you
meet and see.   ♥♥♥♥

Monday, May 20, 2024

Dealing With Weather

Here in the Pacific Northwest of United 
States we are blessed to have four 
seasons  for the most part.

This year we are having a bit more 
rain than normal during the spring 
and the temperatures are lower
as well. 

The last six years we had summer 
like weather  in May. Now we are
having rain like we did in April.
Even when it isn't  raining it is
cloudy. I  find it a b.essing when
the sun comes out even  for a
few minutes. 

This weather  can affect  us both
physically as well as our mental 
health. For many still working to
get past covid-19  when we were

The government wants to control 
our mental health.  It is important 
not to listen to them. It isn't just 
us adults but with the children too.
God says we will be judged how
we treat children.  The government 
is going to be judged for how they
treat our children. 

It is so important  we are not isolated
from others. Going to the gym or out
for coffee or inviting  others over is
so important.  To encourage  and lift
each other up. This isolated important 
for those who are more natural  to be

In the past I  had trouble being  in large
group settings. I  am  not so much 
anymore. Those that do it is still  important 
for mental  health  to spend time with
others even in small groups. It doesn't 
even have to be anymore than six people 
in the group.

Here the weather  can cause to be isolated.
We even have suicides happening because 
of it.  I  belong in several  small groups as 
well as going to the  gym. The gym not only
helps in physical  being it does for the mental 

Being in groups us to to use our gifts and
talents with other people as well.  It isn't 
like we can't  spend some down time by
ourselves  as well.  Both are important.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

God or Creator

I don't think those who consider
themselves an atheist is telling
the truth. They might be fooling 

God himself says in our heart we
know there is a creator. Living life 
with a purpose can only happen
truly believing in God. Those who
live as though there is no God
would find it hard to have a purpose. 

Without God your purpose would 
totally depend on yourself. You
can live that way however what
would come of your purpose.

I have lived a life of uncertainty
like others however knowing I
am here for a reason certainly
makes life a whole lot better.
It takes faith and belief to accomplish
what we can. 

This is all I want us all to think about 
at this time. Of course if you have
any questions ssk God.  ♥♥♥♥

Saturday, May 18, 2024

What Should Always Be Included

When it comes to our life
and the purpose we have 
there should be at least
two ingredients included.

The two ingredients all 
times should be love and
encouragement. This 
would be even if we give
words that are tough for

A third ingredient can be
hope. This is really necessary
when we are giving tough love.

May you be blessed today
even if you are going through
some tough times. Amen!

Friday, May 17, 2024

What Do You Know

I know that what  you know is more
than you realize. Your life purpose 
is to share what you know. 

Yes not everyone  will except what
you say however that is ok. You 
have as much to say as everyone 
else does. 

The important  thing is to be careful 
what you think. When you wake up
inthe morning ask God what you
should say and the ones you should 
say to. 

When it comes to politics there are
those on the right and the left. Being
in the center is where you should be
or at least that is a good idea anyway. 

When you say something to another 
person be sure to  listen to what they
have to say even if you don't  agree
with them.  Politics  is  a good idea
to stay away from unless you know
your opinions very  well. 

If you are a follower of Jesus keep
your ears to God so what he has to
say you can pass on. The gifts God
has given to you be prepared to use
everyday even if the opportunity 
doesn't always come. Mostly  have
a smile on your face that says a lot
to people.  Amen!   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, May 16, 2024


Here we are in the middle of May.
A good time to reflect on  the month.
What you have remaining  for May.
What plans you have for June.

Before coming down with my cold
I  had plans to  meet a gentleman 
from a church homegroup. I  have
had to put it off and hoping to still
meet this month. 

He has had failures in life where
he has rebounded. Be good to learn 
from him as well as giving him
encouragement.  I  have only known
him a few months so knowing him
better in a one on one basis besides 
in a group.  We plan to meet  for
coffee  or tea.

That is the great thing about our life 
purpose is gaining friendships besides
what we can do for others. In other
words it is a two way street. 

May you be blessed today and have
a wonderful  weekend  to.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Being Righteous

Many people when asked if they will
go to heaven when they die their 
response is yes. The follow up is
why do you think that you deserve
to go to heaven their response is
I am a good person.

God has a standard and not one of us
meets it.  We have to be righteous and
we each miss the mark.  What must we
do?  The reason Jesus Christ came 
and died on the cross was to pay for our 
sins. He had no sins however put all
our sins on himself. All we have to do
is believe and ask forgiveness.

Some may say that is simple and it is. 
Accepting and believing in Jesus Christ
made us righteous though we don't 
deserve it. This to makes us have a
purpose beyond what we can imagine.
He did this demonstrating how much
he loves us. Amen!    ♥♥♥♥

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Going Forward

For the last week I have had a cold.
I do feel better today though still
not 100 percent  healthy. I  know
most people  get frustrated  as well 
when your health  isn't what is not 

There are other things that can keep 
us down which I experienced some 
last year. As I  recover my thoughts
are to get back to my normal  health 
and see what is ahead of each just
like everyone  else.

I hope that your life is going exactly 
you want it. You are making a
difference  in so many other ones
lives. The reason  we are here in 
the first place right.

I wish if your  health  isn't  good
that God heals you quickly. May
his face shine upon you. Amen!

Monday, May 13, 2024

Pray For Peace

Here locally at the University of
Washington over the last several
days they have had protests for 
Pro-Palestine and Pro-Israeli. 

They were supposed to be nonviolent
however meeting face it wasn't that
way. Psalm 122:6-7 pray for peace of
Jerusalem. Those who love you will

I am not here to speak which side I am
on. They have been at odds for some
time though.

There is something called "religious spirit". 
It can be identified by those act with judgment, controlling and pride to name 
a few. It is important we live by grace instead. 

Those who are controlled in this manner have demons. I am sure many don't believe in demons however it is a reality.  

The term used a lot these days at least in the western world is mental health. Those
who have poor mental health are most
likely controlled by demons. 

Please use prayer as part of your life purpose.   ♥♥♥♥

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Where Are Focus Should Be

This week  I haven't  felt very  well  
with a cold. It was light a week ago 
and I  tried  to prevent  from getting 
worse. It turned out the cold did get

This morning  waking up I wasn't 
any better. It is easy  to be frustrated 
wondering  when this cold will get 

I decided  it is important  to  focus on
other people  than  myself or self pity.
I  am  not going to get better thinking 
about myself.  So I  am  thinking more
of others and praying  for  their healing.

There are others I know are feeling much
worse than me. Praying  for  people to be
healed will help not only them it may help
me as well.  I  am  not  doing it for selfish 
reasons  however whatever time it takes 
me to be feeling  better  will make it good
for now at least.  ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Saturday, May 11, 2024

We Should Be Consistent

For others to really see our purpose 
at the highest level is for us to be

We are not perfect however being 
as consistent  as we can others will
see our purpose.This means they
will realize they have a purpose as

I have had people tell me what my 
purpose  is and they are consistent  
since that is how I  live most of my 

Though we are unique  human beings
others will want to use some of the
same gifts and talents  we have. 

I have found that many of my family 
have some of the same gifts and 
talents that I  have. The difference 
is they use them in a different way. 

So be consistent  in everything you
do. I  am sure you are doing so since
your purpose  is  a part of you.  


Friday, May 10, 2024

Always Be Yes

Whatever we are going through
in our lives we should always 
say yes.

It is our faith that will help us
get through even the hardest
times. So we say yes to our

Currently I am down with a cold
but it isn't going to keep my
spirit down. I pray it will end soon.

I know there are more worst things
then a cold. I pray whatever you 
might be going through you will
continue to say yes.


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Being Influential

There are people we hear about
that are influential. In many cases
they are in a positive way however 
there are those who  are not either.

Our parents should be those who
should be very influential in our
lives however often we get the
negative from them. We are not
the person we should be because
our parents didn't give us the 
influence, care and love they ought
to have. Parents are not going to
be perfect however we need them 
to be as close to it as possible.

Are you a parent give your children
as much attention as you can. They
have and deserve the attention more
than other people. It is not that we can't
help others but children are the first

The trouble with school is those who
are in charge and we can look at those
in government especially those who
make the rules what teachers should
be teaching instead of allowing the
teachers to do their job they wanted
to do instead of these rules. It is no
wonder many parents are not sending
their children to public school here in
the United States. 

There is so much influence we can
have however we must take our
responsibility seriously. We will  be
made responsible for those who we
don't give the right influence over.
Amen !


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Faith For Expectation

We all have gone through life
experiences where disappointment
has left a spot in our hearts.

Faith is expecting what we desire
and have not come to pass as of 
yet to do so. 

We may have been waiting many
years and wonder why God these
desires haven't come to pass yet.

We must continue to have the
faith that they will come someday.
I know this for I have had desires
that I am still waiting to happen.
It is easy to just give up. I know I 
have often myself. 

Our faith doesn't have to be strong.
We just have to live with the faith
we do have. Though not easy when
the desire comes to pass we will
have the joy to go with it.

Jesus Christ said faith can be the
size of a mustard seed which isn't
big at all. So don't beat up yourself
if your faith is small. We should be
happy that we have the faith no
matter the size. Amen!


Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Edify One Another

One important part of our life
purpose is to edify one another.
This means to build each other
up. I hope I do this for you each
time you read this blog.

Our gifts and talents we have is to 
build other people up. It is important
we appreciate others gifts and talents
as well. 

What I love about music is a tune
and words can build us up. The
words are like poetry. Sometimes
we can let the tune be the best
part however the words can be 
powerful. It is so important we
find songs that can give us rest, 
and edify us by building up our

Some songs the writer has words 
of despair out of their life experiences.
This is OK since we may have similar
experience too. The importance after
listening to those songs that we find
ones that can lift us up as well. Of 
course we can take songs of despair
and make them positive as well by
looking at hope through it all.

Though edifying others isn't the only
part of our life purpose it is still important.
It is important to find those people who
can edify us and those can edify as well.
They could be those who have gone
through similar life experiences as we

May you have a blessed and have joy
in your heart.  ♥♥♥♥

Monday, May 6, 2024

Our Will and Choice

God gave us a will and a choice
to have a relationship and a
purpose with him.

We can serve and love him
if we choose or not. Our
purpose  may vary if we
do not seve and love him.
This doesn't  change that 
he loves us still.

God's  purpose  is  great
and what we were  created 
if we do serve and love him.

We will have the same talents
and personality if we don't 
serve him. We won't  be as
happy though. 

God doesn't  want  us to be
puppets so the reason of
free choice. Amen!


Sunday, May 5, 2024

Going To New Level

We should continue to go to
a higher level of purpose over

Our experience allows us to
do so. This includes making
some mistakes along the way.

God will continue to give 
people that will challenge 
us. In the same way we 
will challenge others.

May your success rub off
of others too. You don't
always have to say a word.
People often can see how
you are.   ♥♥♥♥

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Being Independent

Growing  up  where I  have lived was shown
to be independent.  There is some positive 
things about it but can be negative  to.

I am sure people  who live elsewhere where
freedom  and  independence  is not known
wish they could  have  it. The purks are good
but to rely on it can be trouble when circumstances 
are not good.

I was raised to be independent  however it would 
have been  nice to have more limitations. I could 
do almost anything  I wanted although I  told my
parents  where I  was going. I mostly  went the 
same places.  To my best two friends homes
or to the park.

As an adult  I  rely on myself which isn't always 
good. I  read in 1 Corinthians  9 apostle Paul
said he is free however he chooses to act as a
slave for everyone  else. It may not be easy but
I  would like to do the same.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Being Like Minded

On Thursday  morning  went to
the Washington State Capital 
in Olympia. Four  of us from
my church home  group went.
It is a little  over a half hour

Thursday  was  national day of 
prayer. It happens the third 
Thursday  of May. This was 
why we went  to State capital
to prayer.

It is nice to spend time with
like mindedness even though
you don't  know most of them.

We prayed not only  for the 
nation but for our state as
well. We prayed for the military, 
the youth, education and businesses.
Also media  and Hollywood 
among some of the subjects.

This is what many nations should 
have is a day of prayer. Let those
in many countries  change and
we will have a better place to

We had a purpose united together. 
Prayer and being like minded may
change things.    ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Learn From Each Other

We can learn so much from
each  other  or from ourselves.
This  can come from  being 
in small  groups or one on

On Wednesday  night the 
home group  I  attend we 
broke up into  pairs except  
the group I  was in because 
we had an odd amount of

We reading and discussing 
from Matthew 6 versus 19
through 24. When we were 
done the whole group  got
back together. Someone 
from each pairs spoke what
they got out of the versus 
we read and discussed.

It was amazing  to hear 
how each group received 
ideas on the same thing
we were reading. 

As one of the guys who
spoke from his group what
a great exercise this was.

Our life purpose  is not only
unique  how we see things 
are unique. We all come from
different  backgrounds. 

As what was mentioned  being
a good exercise we can learn 
by breaking  down whatever 
it is we read. We may read two
or three chapters at a time 
however wouldn't  be  good
to spend a few extra minutes 
to look at a sentence or two
or a paragraph to find out
more what we think of what 
we just read.

I hope this helps you out. We 
all can get new perceptives
and our lives can change in
some way.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

In the Middle Of Purpose

For all of us our purpose  is 
unique for sure. Where we 
do our purpose  is different  

For me I  enjoy my time 
in the market place while
others have the gift of
hospitality so the home
is the better place.

I do enjoy going to others
homes to spend time with
them and friends.

In the place whether in the
market place or the home
is to love and care for others.
They know that they are special 
and not alone. 

We all go through  things where
the comfort from others is very

May you feel  loved and comforted 
today.   ❤️❤️❤️❤️